Well, I got some RCA cleartops for my trusty 007t/ii amp and did the rebiasing, and my SR009 sounds great and real. The new tubes somehow targeted the annoying area of the highs like a bulls-eye and now I'm a happy camper.
Still there are loads of little details I can't detect as well with my dynamics (even the Senn HD800), and I would even call the SR009 silky and sweet. The bass has great transparency too, a real see-through quality, and decent impact
(not thunderous, but certainly very good enough not to feel thin or missing in action at all).
It's a nice delicate sound but somehow the impact and swing-factor is great too, with speed and again, that incredible level of detail now without fatigue.
So maybe someone could chime in about why these tubes make such a difference? Were the old ones just worn out? Was the biasing wrong before? Or are these tubes just really good?
I've got a new respect for this amp.
Food chain: Shunyata Triton power conditioner --> EMM XDS1 cdp --> Steath Sakra IC single ended --> Stax 007t/ii amp (also plugged into the Triton) --> Stax SR009 phones.
Older Shunyata Anaconda power cords (Alpha Helix and VX on digital) used throughout.
My old SR007 Mk1 I had for 7 years never sounded anywhere near this nice or profound from the 007t amp.
I mean, since Justin is ending his run of the BHSE, what else really worthwhile is out there for the SR009 except for KGSS amps that are only sporadically available from private builders?