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Everything posted by Spiug31

  1. use a normal/affordable one, clean the contacts if you fancy but the next step up from a standard usb cable as far as features go would probably be one that provided galvanic isolation so you don't get ground loops. round of applause
  2. maybe try a brickwall or zerosurge unit. Zero Surge Brick Wall brickwall have a 30 trial period Surge Protectors, Surge Protector Manufacturers - Brick Wall .
  3. any impressions of a balanced HF-2 vs RS-1 ?
  4. If your hands itch take them out and rinse them off, grawk is right "mineral oil is pretty darn safe" Four years of chemistry labs in Uni drilled it into me I included the water toxicity stuff for interest and to link dosage levels to toxicity.
  5. MINERAL OIL material safety data sheet quote from: Toxicity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A central concept of toxicology is that effects are dose-dependent; even water can lead to water intoxication when taken in large enough doses, whereas for even a very toxic substance such as snake venom there is a dose below which there is no detectable toxic effect. BBC NEWS | Magazine | Why is too much water dangerous? Water intoxication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. well, thrice has one he`s built for sale at $1350 Rockhopper Audio Buffalo DAC n.b. might have been better to put your query in its own thread rather than bumping this one
  7. Spiug31

    slow forum

    Brian Cox: What went wrong at the LHC | Video on TED.com
  8. please post a pic of the rear panel.
  9. Dollhouse season 1 starts on the sci-fi channel in the UK this tuesday (19th may) at 9pm
  10. The commission issued a statement of objection in 2007 and again in 2008 (this I gleaned from the bbc world service audio report that`s part way down the page).
  11. try this BBC NEWS | Business | EU slaps a record fine on Intel
  12. I wonder how long until they get their act together and make flexible e-ink panels that have no clunky hardware attached and need only a base station (could be a little mp3 player sized device) on or beside them to feed the data. It`d be grand to have small sheets for carrying in a coat pocket, larger sheets for textbooks / more detailed stuff then several larger, poster or projection screen sized sheets all of which need only a touch from the device to change display. Until then I don`t see paper printing being superceded.
  13. fixed m902 reference headphone amplifier m802 remote control mic preamplifier
  14. A comment in the HD800 thread got me thinking about warranties. . . Excluding earpad replacement how long do the headphones that currently sell for $500+ actually last without needing repair and how easy is it to get these fixed by the manufacturers once they do break ? The warranty policies I could spot with a brief search were Koss Sennheiser AKG that and to contact the dealer first were all I could find from the AKG website about warranty duration. Audio Technica bought within europe = 2 years warranty bought within US/Canada = 1 years warranty .
  15. Spiug31

    slow forum

    enlightening elk
  16. page 17 of the 40 page pdf, xlr volume attenuation with 4 positions for jumpers 0 dB, -10dB, -20dB, -30dB. page 18 of the 21 page pdf, impressive range (-31 dBu to +24 dBu, balanced) and lots of steps (56). certainly food for thought
  17. What good/excellent sources are there with usb and toslink inputs that have an inbuilt preamp or have consumer (-10dBu) rather than line-level (+4dBu) analog XLR outputs ? It`d need to have usb and toslink inputs at a bare minimum, i2s would help future proof it . I am looking for a quieter source than my line-level mini-dac so that I can remove the voltage divider I`m having to use to reduce its volume. A source with as good or better performance than the mini-dac is preffered. my current solution http://www.head-case.org/forums/do-yourself/5997-resistor-type-make-volume-attenuation.html#post218512
  18. I was wrong about my mini-dac being unusually loud. Having made audacity generate a 1kHz tone at -12dB and fed this to the mini_dac via usb I am now able to adjust the trimpots to each give a voltage of 1.230V (+4dBu) . It seems to simply be the case that +4dBu is to loud an output for me to use with normal files. I`ll be keeping the resistors in place on the beta22 until I can get a source with lower volume output. silver lining here is the mini-dac is working fully.
  19. done but no effect: ran a wire from an xlr pin 1 to the ground strut on the left attenuator no change in pop/crackle behaviour. unbinding the attenuators from the chassis to do a full physical swap isn`t something I`ll undertake and I don`t think the right attenuators` hot and cold audio input wires are long enough to reach. If however I can get a pair (or ideally two pairs) of 2 pin extension cables 26"+ long then I`d be willing to try making the swaps via those. -offtopic- I see a new smilie has appeared
  20. done and the left attenuator retains its pop, so no change
  21. If it isn`t a symptom of something badly wrong I`m happy enough to leave it as is and enjoy the music The theory of contact bounce eases my mind enough. first time I`ve used multiquote, very useful
  22. from Goldpoint - Attenuator Types but contact bounce seems quite possible as the pop/crackle happens only for a short time with the music taking its place within a fifth of a second if the knob is left positioned between firm steps.
  23. This is what I`ve now got fitted (in an easy to remove manner) and it seems to be doing the job. I`ll get around to sorting the sources problem when I`m able but for now this is a working patch.
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