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Everything posted by Spiug31

  1. I`d expect the balanced shunted pot plan to be this simply replacing the fixed value resistors used in this design http://www.tweakaudio.com/Ultimate%20Attenuators.html with variable resistors.
  2. might be worth getting your eyes checked and while your there ask the optician if they have any recommendations.
  3. adding a wire for signal ground to my beta22s' left attenuator (so both attenuators now connect to signal ground). After this had time to settle it's a far better amp and the donuts love it
  4. Chocolate donut MkII > balanced hd650 the donut has slap, puts me in the music and is far more enjoyable. hd650 is a bit reserved and presents most sound as too distant.
  5. Well Trained Flamingo - he must be looking for a trade
  6. The colours in my sr-225 are a quick check with a continuity meter showed which blue wire was with which red/white wire. It also gave an audible result from the earcup/driver involved.
  7. If you consider a trying a wider variety: I`m using an evoluent verticalmouse2, Version 3 of which is wireless and optical. It gets recommended for carpal tunnel syndrome and rsi (it helped solve and since prevent my mild rsi). The best prices for these tend to appear via ebay. its been reliable and does comfortably fill the hand.
  8. oh well, it`s the thought that counts
  9. as per the title BBC - T In The Park 2009 - Performance Videos
  10. Torchwood series 3 (Children of Earth), episode 2 compared to the time filler that were the first two torchwood series this helping started better, it was actually immersive and now having watched the second episode I'm left wanting more , I think this new format: series = 5, 1 hour episodes shown on consecutive days with one strong storyline may have actually lit a fire under the torchwood concept. If it can keep at the rolling boil it may actually be something I'll look forward to seeing
  11. ta, I wouldn`t have spotted that
  12. beautiful
  13. maybe if you sit on one, do so and post your listening impressions or do you intend to listen out of your arse ?
  14. Spiug31

    slow forum

    lucky the magnet is on the top door
  15. I enjoyed watching some of the 20/20 matches but otherwise it tends to drag on a bit.
  16. ok, thankyou for your help
  17. ok, that I can do. should I be sending each of the pin3 signals onto pin1's and from there direct to signal ground once they enter at the adaptor cables' xlr connectors ? / what should be done with the pin3 signals ?
  18. I'd like to make an xlr (2 x 3-pin) to 1/4" female adaptor cable for use with my 4-channel balanced beta22. This is so I can try some headphones without having to re-terminate them first. Is it going to be safe to wire : left xlr pin2 signal to tip right xlr pin2 signal to ring left and right pin3 signals to shaft ?
  19. happy birthday
  20. BBC - Glastonbury - 2009 some videos, interviews, webcam facing the pyramid stage and lots of radio content.
  21. It helps define its competition - empty box anyone, guaranteed no caps in a signal path
  22. and looking in from the flipside of that, it is the lack of ability to maintain a connection by other means that makes the forum attractive to me. It provides a means of communication/society with fewer strings attached (easy to dip into without requiring immediate response or complex interraction unless choosing to do so) and less requirement for memory recall thanks to the search function .
  23. I`m hoping that this EVAL-ADuM4160EBZ may be an affordable means to prevent a usb ground loop when its released. [url=http://www.analog.com/en/interface/digital-isolators/products/overview/over_iCoupler_USB_Isolation/resources/fca.html]iCoupler
  24. I think the electromouse is an inspired idea, now how long before it comes with a remote control
  25. try Dundee Uni, Abertay did have mechatronics and some other engineering disciplines too so either of those may be viable.
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