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Everything posted by Spiug31

  1. where will your heatsinks be within the case ? holes +/or grill vents above these would seem an obvious recomendation. p.s. the case fronts look good
  2. reading "phone" I thought you were considering a telephone Gamma2 isn't (as far as I know) generically designed for balanced operation so you might have a hard time finding one used, rather than having one built for you.
  3. very cool do you think it's there for fun or counterfeit prevention ?
  4. fixed
  5. a search for expanded ptfe tape turned up these: Polyflon Technology Limited - Your Partner In Fluoropolymers - Expanded PTFE Sealing Tape Adtex PTFE gasket tape GORE? Series 300 Gasket Tape I suspect that those in the US have a different name for it (as I turned up no US results apart from Gore 300), visit your local hardware/diy/builders' merchant and ask. of course you could simply counter spiral some cotton string around/along the main cable, teflon tape that in place and repeat until you got the girth you seek.
  6. retail prices over here tend to be higher (often a direct $ to
  7. Cheap and readily available
  8. thanks duggeh searching for 2 pin DIN is a goldmine, I'll think about my options but at
  9. thanks for that given the price of the female plugs I'll probably re-terminate with neutrik xlr's instead and give it a listen it'll be my first time I've heard a stax.
  10. My dad just produced a stax sr-3 and srd-5, it looks to be in good condition but I'd like to hear it and the L and R speaker inputs have this strange plug on them. Does anyone know if the female equivalent is still sold or the name of this peculiar plug ? I'm thinking of making an adapter cable and trying to feeding the srd-5 from my beta22's XLR outputs (once it returns from repair). thanks for any help
  11. Spiug31

    slow forum

    It would be easier if people stoped scrubbing the price off their completed adds. but until then some method of compulsion for disclosure is an attractive thought. I suspect people will tend to be more honest while working through the list than employing their creativity to concoct a socially acceptable (ramification free), free form feedback.
  12. Spiug31

    slow forum

    you're both half right, it's weakened weaken - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  13. Spiug31

    Beyer T1

    bragging rights = this headphone has a tesla for each ear
  14. I've not had the chance to hear other contenders so no idea how it compares but a used apogee mini-dac fits in that price range (with or without usb).
  15. I'd suggest excellent transcience to be demonstrated by a driver when it presents only what the amp sends it. It would need to have no harmonics of its own to perpetuate or blur the resulting output.
  16. transcience is: the quality or state of being transient transience - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary I'd read that as "in changing" transient : 1 a : passing especially quickly into and out of existence : transitory <transient beauty> b : passing through or by a place with only a brief stay or sojourn <transient visitors> 2 : affecting something or producing results beyond itself transient - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary p.s. it was on the first page of a quick google for: definition transience
  17. Chocolate donut mkII AKG K340 (rewired and on its way to becoming fully modded) HD650 ties with SR-225 (HD650 gives a better presentation but is dull at the volumes I listen at, SR-225 is fun but uncomfortable and has too forward a bass presentation for me). Proline 750, its good for testing things and folds away small, not used for pleasurable listening.
  18. interconnect cables inspired by the Chris VenHaus, DIY Silver Interconnects teflon tube, 24 AWG upocc solid copper teflon coated wire, Xhadow xlr's teflon tube, 18 AWG upocc solid copper teflon coated wire, furutech FP-106 rca's, neutrik 1/8" connector none of the connections are soldered all are wrapped/twisted or screwed into contact (so I can re-use the connectors/wires). rewired+recabled K340 headphone canare starquad L-4E6S cable, Neutrik XLR's, 28AWG solid spc jumper wires all connections for the K340 are soldered.
  19. If the counter isn't working ignore it, generate a track listing to navigate and/or use your eyes to gauge the amount of tape on a reel, advance and reverse the tape until you get where you want. With a little practice I found I could locate points on a reel quite quickly but it is a lot easier to simply play through the reel from beginning to end. I think Dusty is right about the counter being linked to revolutions but whether these are revolutions of capstan (which is turned by the tape) or revolutions of a reel, I think varies with machine. The one I used, I think measured reel rotation. Reel rotation is less accurate (to playing time) as the length of tape lifted with each revolution of a reel varies with circumference of the tape on a reel. anal retentive = studiously observant
  20. not impossible just requires some attention, a stop watch / timer, paper and a pencil you need only do it once per tape and include the list in the reel case when you put it away
  21. on the plus side it's less likely to eat the tapes than a cassette recorder. I played with one my dad had (I think he might have built his), the tapes were of the pop chart rundown he recorded from the radio. johnny cash singing ring of fire was on one/some so probably 1963 ish. I found them quite a good toy
  22. get a cheap headphone off ebay and do what you wrote above, it'll costs less if you fry it during testing.
  23. Spiug31

    slow forum

    good illusion I had to trace the 3 outer circles with my pointer before I knew they were distinct circles but visually = one inner circle and three interlinked spirals.
  24. I think I may be understanding it (or not ) A standard pot / voltage divider when the ground terminal is left unconnected changes in function from to so this will function as a stepped variable resistor when when the ground terminal is left unconnected.
  25. Head-Fi: post by dsavitsk - View Single Post - Shunt pot volume control is that of any help ?
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