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Everything posted by Spiug31

  1. I was chatting to justin and cetoole last night, asking for a solution to produce low volumes of sound, max -40dB down into the -80`s and below. Comfortably loud for me with my rs-1`s is up to -52dBu with pro mastered (+4dBu) material, using my donuts (yh-100`s) comfortably loud rises up to -44 dBu. The suggestion that came up, apart from a vinyl source was to I know very little about what is required to drive electrostatics so will really need a builder to construct this for me. A pre-built stuffed Stax bias supply PCB is available from spritzer. I`d really like to try this with my SR-3`s. Anyone willing to construct this for me please let me know. I have an SR-3 and SRD-5 here that I have yet to hear (, waiting for my beta22 to return from thrice). My apogee minidac outputs a balanced signal of 1.228V (+4dBU) and my balanced beta22 has a gain of 2. There are goldpoint stepped attenuators within my beta22 that usably cover the range 0 to -41 dB. thankyou Douglas
  2. just ask him to post you another washer or two so you can experiment, oh and do say p.s. how are the pieces connected (is it a screw, nut and bolt, rivet etc.) ?
  3. Spiug31

    slow forum

    ^^ I'm glad you said knife, the other image is too disturbing
  4. Spiug31

    slow forum

    $7328 gratuity
  5. Spiug31

    Canjam 2010.

    I'm not likely to be able, but look forward to the vicarious attending
  6. this was on the news today BBC News - CD player production ends at Linn
  7. Rocky solidly built and hard to move
  8. what are you planning to use it for first ? and how do you want it to stay in place The 380 base with 376 head has been very helpful (unmoving, firm and easy to adjust) for soldering of xlr connectors and modding of my K340 headphones
  9. The gain of the balanced beta22 is 2 (so effectively 4), the present source I have is set for +4dB. I've not spotted any recommended amps that operate at less than unity gain and most sources get made for +4dB or -10dB, either way I'll likely need attenuation. The world is loud looking at the RF15 pdf http://www.controldevicesaudio.com/FaderPDF/RF15.pdf it seems that it goes to -60dB then rapidly drops to its -90dB cut-off in the space of rotating 14 degrees.
  10. I'm looking around for a very clear/transparent balanced volume control with attenuation in ≤2dB steps, across the range -40dB to -85dB (though if it went to -100dB that would be a bonus). This is for feeding my balanced beta22, my source has a low output impedance. putting a fixed attenuator before my present goldpoint attenuator would mean it could start at -40 but couldn't cover the whole range in ≤2dB steps. transformers/autoformers appear not to go this low options I can see are maybe: MiniVol MiniVol PGA2320 Volume Control - error404's Audio DIY Endeavours though I'm no good at coding lcduino1 The LCDuino-1 display I/O processor once it gets finished Anyone know of some more ? budget for an ideal fit would be
  11. they have a "14 day money back guarantee" according to their website. audioelevation
  12. just got the letter of notification today, this puts it at 9 days from item entering UK customs to getting the invoice for payment.
  13. Any impressions on the Twisted Pear Audio Current output DAC ? The COD - Current Ouput DAC
  14. good picture story --my present experience-- a nib I ordered was sent from the US on the 3rd of november using ems, entered UK customs on the 5th and yesterday (the 11th) cleared customs. Parcelforce I presume has it now as the tracking was updated with "Attempted Delivery Abroad" which usually means I`ll get a letter from them requesting payment of VAT and fees in the next couple of days. A real delivery follows a day or two after I pay. that is pretty much as I`d expect it to go, the strikes seem to have slowed transition times of items from customs to the delivery firm (but only by an extra 3 days or so).
  15. from the upskirt that does look very nice, real eyecandy
  16. Spiug31

    Burn Notice

    I`ve been liking burn notice, timing was good too: I got to watch all of season one then two weeks after it finished season two began
  17. #4 for easiest to look at
  18. ah the good old days
  19. chapter 3 pages 21 and 22 of "the wood handbook" has something about that Forest Products Laboratory - USDA Forest Service
  20. I'm really enjoying hearing the Chronicles of narnia ( The Chronicles of Narnia: Amazon.ca: Tyndale Publishers: Books ) and am hoping for some suggestions of similar audiobooks with original orchestral scores and "cinema-quality digital sound design" (ie. produced on the level of a good movie rather than a stage play or solo narration). reading text in a book isn't an option the stage play and narration style audiobooks don't retain my attention, this movie style presentation is proving great (I'm now 4 books in ).
  21. this is the most hopeful page I've found so far with a similar approach recommended here, maybe duplicate your folders and give it a try. It may be worth posting your query to Thunderbird Support ; mozillaZine Forums oh and next time doug backup the mbox files reading the title of this thread gave me an instant flashback of thunderbird 2 lifting off from tracy island, a well spent youth
  22. nothing new here, I'll decide whether to make an adapter once I know my amp is on its way back.
  23. There is the option of googling for it, for instance entering HD800 site:http://www.head-case.org/forums/members/ into the google box then pressing enter brings up a page for each member that has "HD800" mentioned in their profile page.
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