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Everything posted by Spiug31

  1. Spiug31

    facial hair

    nah, for me enough of my stuble was pulled out rather than cut/clipped by my various electric razors that shaving has never been pleasure. It's a large part of my curiosity for the way and effect of a barbers close shave.
  2. Spiug31

    facial hair

    for me the short term facial hair annoyance was just much easier to get past than the daily experience that is shaving. The long term pluses I've already mentioned were unplanned bonus's that I really hadn't thought of. Laser treatment / electrolysis ?
  3. Spiug31

    Flash Gordon

    Yup, just watched the third episode today and I am enjoying it It's making a good change from what seems now to be the TV norm that for me is the stimulation of a heightened, adrenaline fuelled (roller-coaster) state throughout each programs duration. I can relax while watching Flash as each piece is short, to the point and sweet
  4. Spiug31

    facial hair

    female persuasion and a lifestyle/health change are likely what will lead to my beard going. when the time comes I'll see what charity events are happening and see how much I can raise for sponsorship
  5. Spiug31

    facial hair

    Do you see tan lines when you shave yours off ?
  6. Spiug31

    facial hair

    I would like to try an old fashioned shave in a barbers shop (cut-throat razor, and steamed towels) sometime though, just to see what it feels like. I was working near a shop that specialised in that when I was in London.
  7. Spiug31

    facial hair

    My face being bald again would take some getting used to. For me at present though having this beard is practical both as a built-in bib and more seriously to prevent my head experiencing the persistant cold pains to which I am very prone. Don't forget the aftershave
  8. Spiug31

    facial hair

    It's been about 5 years since I last shaved or had my hair cut (long story), for now I'm happy with it as is and have a 26cm (10") long (chin to tip of beard) full beard. The hair on my head has grow significantly faster than my beard as it is now level with the tip of my beard. Wearing my K340's seems unaffected by my hair but I do have to remove my specs before I get a good seal.
  9. Ouch! for pride and body, hope it heals soon
  10. Spiug31

    Flash Gordon

    Initial impressions were this is higglety-pigglty, watching the same episode later all the elements seemed to be there and after a while the elements gelled together and it began to make sense. Now I am starting to really enjoy it much more off the cuff than I'm used to, really quite nice
  11. 4 ideas - Chandelier Hang them in as strikers for windchimes / bells Counter weights for clocks (to replace the lead weights) Pendulum weights
  12. Yup, universal health care via taxes, a standard charge for getting a prescription (though this varies by country within the UK) and the option of paying for private healthcare if you want quicker treatment times or treatments not offered on the NHS. Private healthcare can be bought by the individual or by companies that provide their employees with it as a benefit. The vast majority of people in the UK rely upon the NHS.
  13. Spiug31

    Flash Gordon

    The series "Flash Gordon" kicks off tonight at 8pm on sci-fi channel in the UK http://www.scifi.co.uk/flashgordon/ I'll likely watch it when it repeats later in the week
  14. happy birthday
  15. Spiug31

    AKG 340

    I consider myself to have been very fortunate to pick up my pair for
  16. I've just finished hearing an audio version of this: very good fun
  17. I've set it up and doing a test download of openoffice gets me a p2p download rate equal to that of my best direct file transfer . Transfer rate slows dramatically when I use public (non-dedicated) sources so I may look into joining a private group with seeds/peers using higher upload rates but for now I'm getting all the files I am interested in at no extra cost and in an acceptable time. Thankyou both for the information I have found it most helpful
  18. p.s. What level of seeds to peers is most conducive to speedy downloads (is it simply more seeds and less peers or is a mixture going to perform better)? I seem to be picking up more seeds/peers on the torrents I'm downloading, the longer the torrent progresses. Is this solely due to entering a more popular time of day/night or is there something else occuring ?
  19. I've just had my first look at Mininova, found several interesting audio files (recorded from radio broadcasts) and am downloading them with
  20. a dramatised version of Terry Pratchett's Night Watch is being broadcast in episodes on radio4 http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/nightwatch/pip/psvvz/ the first episode should be up on the web for the next 6 days.
  21. For mobility and low cost an iRiver H120, H140 or modified H180 with rockbox is the simplest hard-drive based source I know of: toslink -> Dac. "external hard drive->pc->dac" will give greatest flexibility as long as your happy lugging it around.
  22. Nice jumping spider Just a note - the world is wider around the equator than around the poles so is a somewhat squat sphere. back to siliness
  23. maybe a spell in reduced air pressure might do it good, feel free to post it to me via airmail
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth
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