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Everything posted by Spiug31

  1. I've just stumbled across this http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scots_Guide/audio/Analog.html are there other sites of a similar intent that you can recommend. (This is to save me trawling through threads at HF. )
  2. Just watched the second part : the start is superb and left me in stitches The second part of "The Colour of Magic" is mostly a normal film - basic return to the city save the world type. It lacks the strong pratchetness of the set-peices which were so rich and prominent in the first part. Still, some moments worth watching for but it was closer to being a portrayal of the second book and I thought that was a bit weak.
  3. I'm more interested in who they'd get to play Nobby
  4. Well, I have just thoroughly enjoyed watching the first part of "The Colour of Magic". The film seems made up of many sections (each of which is strongly + convincingly put to film) with a light narrative gist beneath, tying it into a :scratchinghead: plot. To me it is about 7 minutes in before the story starts (around the time when Rincewind walks off the Ankh Morpork jetty) but after this it doesn't noticeably slow down until the end - which left me with a Wow . It is more organised + direct than the books that it draws from but with humour in every scene it is a good bringing to film of terry pratchetts' genius . Jeremy Irons as the Patrician is superb, the luggage at this stage is a little less homicidal than I remember - likely due to it having less to intimidate/eat p.s. I have been watching the film on Sky One so have had several advert breaks but the set-peice sections actually make the breaks a bare able (maybe even a useful) feature as they further punctuate the sections and during the early story aren't a distraction. I will be interested to see the film uninterrupted (hopefully) later in the year to see how it compares. for any pratchett fans this is worth a watch and as with the books I'm left with a long term smile with bits resurfacing in my mind .
  5. was that balanced or single ended ?
  6. It's to long for me to hear just now but seems intresting, thanks for the link to the original text.
  7. I just watched the "making of" programme about "Colour of Magic", it does look to be good . Hogfather was alright - a good first attempt, the scenes I've seen from colour of magic appear much better The plot line for this film is apparently composed from the stories in both the Colour of Magic and the Light Fantastic books.
  8. The first part of the film is being premiered in the UK on "Sky one" 6pm this Sunday with the second part showing the next day, theoretically it'll be appearing more widely shortly after that. http://www.skyoneonline.co.uk/tcom/ The effects look good, particularly the luggage so I'm looking forward to watching it
  9. There is one on ebay just now : http://cgi.ebay.com/STAX-SRM-1-MK-2-Professional-Headphone-Amplifier_W0QQitemZ320229450739QQihZ011QQcategoryZ3274QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. Thanks Fitz, RIP is a great find (I can browse the HF for sale forums again \ )
  11. It'll be a bigger nuisance for those using screen readers / text-to-speech as they'll have a whole block of drivel before they even get to the list of threads
  12. food for thought, thankyou
  13. a slightly bizarre question this but: would speakers be as effective headphones if most of the listening was done lying down or would the speakers need to be positioned so that the listener was facing them in order for them to retain a good effect ?
  14. And when people just say arse ?
  15. verified on http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7304004.stm He has left a great legacy
  16. Zerosurge or brickwall should probably be on your reading list. http://www.brickwall.com/ http://www.zerosurge.com/ and this thread might be of interest http://www.head-case.org/audio_accessories/your_thoughts_on_power_conditioning-t193.0.html
  17. no, but how much difference it will make I don't know. It may be worth asking the company that made your cable if they are willing to reterminate one end into a BNC. Also there is a BJC RCA to BNC cable available for a good price on HF which might be worth consideration. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f44/fs-bluejeans-digital-rca-bnc-cable-266985/
  18. My Stereovox XV2 uses BNC to RCA adaptors but I haven't seen these sold seperately. There seem to be plenty of cheap BNC to RCA adaptors around (doing a search in Google shopping for "bnc rca adaptor" just turned up 293 hits) but no mention of comparative quality.
  19. I feel sorry for the gatecrashers already
  20. You missed an opportunity there - next time try the sending him to an FBI resident agency.
  21. Nah, oak isn't much heavier, for hernias I'd suggest ebony or one of the ironwoods http://www.enotes.com/science-fact-finder/metals-other-materials/does-any-type-wood-sink-water
  22. Spiug31

    AKG 340

    Is this what you mean ? http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f4/taking-k240-sextett-apart-step-step-279905/
  23. cherry wood is a redder less yellow colour so I'd probably go for that unless your trying to match it with something already in the room.
  24. Wow, that looks heavy. I'm going to stick with a beta22 as I'm fairly confident I could lift it if I need to (my wallet is happily nodding ). p.s. It was breathing the mercury vapour that caused many of the "Mad Hatters" to be mad. http://www.hgtech.com/Information/Mad%20Hatter.htm
  25. Spiug31

    facial hair

    I've got multiple colours as well though it's not really in blocks - black, brown, ginger, blond - no white in my beard but my head hair is black with some white hairs. p.s. all natural
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