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About DoomzDayz

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. is there a consolidated post anywhere that compares all the vintage options for headphones and energizers? there are so many options... SR-# SR-X SR-Sigma, Lambda, Gamma, etc SR-## (I understand electrets are not as good? SRD-# Any sonic differences between all these adapters? newer better?
  2. i need some cans with good soundstage. other needs: -neutral -natural -detailed, high resolution -transparent/good transients with great sounding drums -prat -would like it to be closed (PL750?) but is not a necessity if it really does limit the soundstage and other needs -price (HD580?) these would be paired with either a CK-K3 amp or SOHA amp with a GE 6680 tube and maybe jisbos (would this be enough?) OR i can try to get into entry level STAX. from what i've heard, the new series(303, 202) are more neutral, more airy/soundstage, but maybe a bit of a high mid emphasis compared to the Lambdas and SR-X/MK3. where would i look for these? i can't read yahoo japan auctions, ebay sucks, and audiogon has nothing. I want direct drive amplification, i don't have a speaker amp that isn't attached to a pair of speakers available, because these will be used when the house speakers are in use.. which is most of the time. other than that, it comes down to mainly the dt880 and k701. from what i've heard, k701 which don't seem to be as extended in the highs, less bass, less detailed, but have a warmer midrange, larger soundstage, look stupider, and are faster ( http://www.stereomojo.com/REVIEWS.htm ). and for the dt880's, i've heard mixed things about the 2005 version. if i go stax (might be taking a trip to asia in the summer), perhaps ill go with a hd580 or something to keep me busy. on a side note, may get back into gaming and i hear dt880's are spectacular for that, though i would like something closed again because it can get pretty hectic around here in college. you know, naked girls and the like.
  3. never used, eh?
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