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Everything posted by cutestory

  1. cutestory

    Sirius XM?

    I'll have to check again and see if I can merge my accounts, but my situation is slightly different in that I have a pre existing XM account that I was having difficulty merging with my newer Sirius account. I haven't had luck merging them in the past. I'll try again and report back!
  2. cutestory

    The Killing

    I need to watch this shit from the beginning, right?
  3. Oh, quit cogitating, headphones-phile, and use an open-face club. A sand wedge.
  4. cutestory

    Sirius XM?

    I have the service and have had it for many years, but I fucking hate it. The sound quality, despite what the fanboys say, is horrible. Can you say, "let's compress the shit out of this?" I know I can. And let's talk about the fact that although XM and Sirius merged, their billing systems are still separate, and radios that date back pre-merger cannot be merged on the same account, so I can't get multiple radio deals even though I have multiple radios. Wait, let's not talk about it. I'm getting enraged now. My wife loves it, but I wish she'd switch to just using her phone to stream whatever-the-fuck. The internet-based XM/Sirius sounds quite a bit better than their satellite broadcasts. Shit, we should just pay for internet only and my wife should use her phone in the car and her computer at work. Damn. I should suggest this. Damn, Tyll, how did one get an AK120 so quickly? I thought those things were just announced or some shit? And did they fix the impedence "problem?"
  5. I don't mind carrying around a Pico Power to drive my freqphased JH-16s. It sounds that good.
  6. The phrase "Holy shitsnacks!" is from Archer, one of the funniest shows on television. I know it's in the first episode, at least. Pam says it. And the amp? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiit. I want to make sweet love to that thing.
  7. Happy Birthday Ari!
  8. ERMAGERD I missed Shelly's birthday. I has a sad. But happy belated! Extend the celebration!
  9. ^ +1 I haven't touched my ER-4Seses since I got my JH-13ses. And then I got JH-16ses. And that shit was FreqPhased. And the FreqPhasing was good...but I digress. I did purchase two pairs of the ER-4S, back in the day--I lost one pair, then bought another to replace them. They were my first high-end headphones. Shit. I want to listen to them now...wait, I mean they were my second pair of nice headphones. After the 580s.
  10. cutestory


    I'm on the "Mind Flayer" server. Anyone for some occasional adventuring at unpredictable, intermittent times?
  11. Grabbed an Airport Extreme and an Airport Express. Bam! Problem solved.
  12. What's the latest and greatest? I'm looking at the Asus RT-AC66U. To make a long story short, I'm having some problems (not worth going into) with my current routers/APs and I'm looking to see if I can get a single unit that can cover the entire property...I'm throwing money at the problem now. Is this a good way to go?
  13. Not sure what you're running on it, but if it's a dedicated HTPC I recommend openelec if you're looking to use XBMC. It's fire and forget, with almost none of the awful tweaking I used to associate with XBMC.
  14. I think I have a 5200.
  15. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, all...I feel loved and appreciated. I'm sure none of you meant to do that.
  16. Yesterday, for lunch, as part of my birthday celebration, we went to Yountville, CA (I can see Al's house from here!—not really) to go to The French Laundry. First time there, a lot of hype, etc. If you've ever thought about it, just do it—you won't regret it. I took no pics at the meal so that I could be completely present. It was an excellent decision. Happy Birthday to me.
  17. ^So, the same as a BGE. So how does one decide?
  18. Where can you get a Bubba Keg for $300? I'm guessing it does the same thing as the BGE, but made with different materials...these things inspire crazy fanaticism that makes me pause--people are crazy for the thing they bought, and despise everything else.
  19. I wish I could join you guys!
  20. Meesa want one too.
  21. Maybe instead of replacing the pads on my 17 year-old 580s I should just buy a pair of 600s or 650s.
  22. Don't forget accidental file deletion. And remember: backing up? Not important. Restoring? That's the important bit. I'm a Crashplan fan, just to provide an alternative to Backblaze.
  23. Thanks, Dusty.
  24. Is it just me or are "Likes" not showing up on posts any more...my Tapatalk notified me of a like, but I went to the post and couldn't see it...
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