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High Rollers
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About parris

  • Birthday 09/05/1966

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Cycling, Skiing, Shooting sports, photography, Family, Martial arts, Movies, etc, etc, etc...
  • Location
    Southerntier of NY
  • Gender


  • Location
    Binghamton New York
  • Occupation
    Sheriff's dept.

parris's Achievements

Limited Edition Bronze Participant

Limited Edition Bronze Participant (4/6)



  1. Where is Gambrill State park? Did the leaves make things sketchy?
  2. Raffy when you get tired of the trainer and want to "spice" things up a little buy a set of rollers...
  3. 1600 for the Seven is a screaming deal.
  4. Sorry Raffy I spaced that it's the Oakley vault site. Sometimes DUH just doesn't cover it.
  5. If anyone's been looking for Oakley glasses they've got a pretty decent selection at good prices depending on model. I just ordered a pair of FlakJackets so that I can at least recover one of my pairs that some in my family seemed to "inherit"...
  6. Justin are your proportions close to normal? If so that frame will be WAY to small for you. Looking at the specs what jumps out is the t.t. length, b.b. drop, and s.t. angle. I'm 5ft9in and ammy the 2 frames I'm on most of the time have 56 and 56.5 t.t. lengths combined with 110 and 100 stems.
  7. I can sympathize 100%. There's a Kirk that popped up for a good price that has numbers almost identical to mine.
  8. I don't know the model# but I've been happy with the small Park chain tool.
  9. Great deal Vicki. It's fairly rare for someone to be able to jump on a new bike and put he hours that you did this past weekend no matter how well things fit. There's almost always some tweaks that need to be made. How did the mid compact work out?
  10. MMMMmmmmmm Sew ups ! I've still got 2 pairs of sew up wheels built up from back in the day. I've been thinking of swapping out the old f/w hub on one pair for a 10 sp hub so I'd have a set to use on the other bikes.
  11. That is really cool! Your choice with the mid compact is something that I've been giving a lot of thought to and it seems to fill a good spot that a lot of people have been looking for. One of the things I really liked that Dave does is to leave a lot of steerer tube for bar height adjustment. I've left mine slightly long and swap spacers if my back is giving me trouble.
  12. Hell that's better than a little girl acting like an old lady...
  13. That sucker is beautiful!
  14. Vicki it'll be there quick. Silly ups guys what's up with them stopping to break their tooff anyway?! You'll want to get a big garbage bag when the frame arrives because Dave packs the heck out of the box for protection. Bike fit isn't totally stagnant. We tend to get more limber as the season progresses which will often lead to the bars getting lower, longer, or both. The saddle "may" go up a little but what I've found over the years is that people will often ride better later in the season if the saddle goes back a bit and is level as opposed to nose down. Generally but not always a nose down attitude is to compensate for a saddle that's a little to high. Rocking hips and toes pointing down are usually the most visual indicators of that also. My position has changed from my racing days in that the saddle to bar drop isn't what it use to be, the saddle is slightly lower but it's also a little further back which helps with my bad back as it allows for a pretty comfortable and efficient position. Of all the things I've seen over years funky saddle position has to be #1 by far.
  15. Marshall what saddle are you on now and why are you thinking about a change? I agree that the Cobb looks really funky and not really narrow through the mid section. It's great being lucky enough to catch the draft off a large vehicle isn't it? -) I lucked out with big trucks several times.
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