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Everything posted by jwzhan

  1. Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it. I just sent them an email asking what is going to happen. I guess all that's left is waiting.. It's kind of the norm now for companies to cancel discounted orders when they realize they are not maximizing their profit...
  2. x3 If this falls through I guess I might go for the emotiva dac, although I do like the smaller profile of pulse :/ $299 is a little too much to pay for an unfinished and changing product. It will probably be better if LHL would stop trying to satisfy everyone's opinion and just put out a narrowly focused but well executed product. I really don't care about ethernet, or face plate, or LED screen or any of the other non-sense that will take away the funds from the circuitry. It's great for them to clarify after two of the three perks have been sold out...
  3. jwzhan


    http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E3W16OU/ref=gb1h_tit_c-2_6862_38f3706b?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_s=center-new-2&pf_rd_r=19MW19NK9KQD1P01SVCC&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_p=1682906862 840EVO 1TB for $490+tax. In fact, all 840EVO prices are pretty low right now. Performance is much better than M500. I have both 256G 840Pro and 840EVO and I can't tell them apart during daily or intensive use. Benchmark wise, EVO is neck to neck with Pro as well. P/E cycle, with writing of more than 30gig a day, it should still last you well beyond 100 years before the first sector failure, but controller would have died way before that...
  4. They went over 400K... and half of the funding in the past 10 days came from the black friday deal... This is Larry Ho in the geek out video on the kickstarter page... certainly a peculiar fellow...
  5. Isn't the fund transfered to the companies through indiegogo? I thought the companies on indiegogo can't directly refund, unless the campaign falls through and indiegogo will process the refunds. In all other circumstances, the companies have to contact the contributors and refund privately...
  6. wow... that's a major screw up... I also thought that one only needs to sign up for the forum... I wonder how they are going to deal with this... Indiegogo won't do any refund, and they have already taken the 9%+paypal's 3% out of the contribution. If LHL decide to refund all those who they don't think qualify... that will be quite a bit of work on confirmation and fees they will have to absorb. I guess at this point, it all depends on which method will result in less loss...
  7. They are running a black friday special. Single ended is 189, balanced 299, and bluetooth module 129. http://lhlabs.com/blackfriday2013 log in to see... I guess at this price, I can try the single ended... doesn't hurt.. can always sell to get the money back later.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. QFT. I didn't even know that fake parts are such a major problem, and sourcing genuine parts is such a PITA until I started building KGSSHV.
  10. that and the fact that many don't even know what objective means.... when I tried to explain the concept I always get comments like "i heard the difference, so it's objective" or "people are hearing the difference, so it must be objective." The idea that what you hear is the result of your brain's processing of the information that you have received from your body (thus highly affected by your personal experience/belief and is highly subjective) is way too complicated and sophisticated for many.
  11. eh, I have to disagree somewhat. I have "debated" with people on Chinese forums and what I found is if you put things too politely, shills will often turn the meaning around and interpret it their way, such as interpreting "it doesn't sound good" as "well, it doesn't sound bad either right?" or "the circuit has problems" as "well it's called adding flavors and it's not bad at all." (And the whole conversation will just be derailed and go on about the meaning of the sentence and how to interpret it blah blah blah.) Only when you put things in absolute term such as "it sounds like shit" or "the circuit is junk" will they get that you are saying. I hate to put things in absolute terms because it leave too many holes in the argument, but that's basically the only way to get your point across without shills adding some "flavors" to it and twists its meaning. I'm just talking about Chinese forums... I haven't been on HF often enough to say that it's the same over there, but I will be shocked if it differs that much.
  12. I found the photo for the 7 pin tube.
  13. It's just Hifiman. It's nothing but a rumor that they have been working on an electrostatic for a while now.. That amp is also done by an engineer at Hifiman a while back.
  14. Thanks Birgir. I guess I will replace them first and see what happens after one hundred hours of operationg. Improved old boards sounds great. If there is a GB, I'm definately in for that.
  15. Not strictly stax, but I guess this is the best place for it. This is the amp made by the guy who made Jade, now called HIFIMAN. There is rumor that he is going to be producing electrostatics again very soon. This is the amp he made for the headphone. I assume this is the prototype...
  16. Someone scammed lots of people including TTVJ and tried to scam Justin. There is an article on Tyll's website.
  17. well.... I guess my endeavour with the amp will not end so simply.... I took out the PSU and I found that the solder joints for the zener strings in the -500V rail are burnt. Last time I measured, the output was stable and without any problem. Replacing them will be easy, but that's not the point.... Using multimeter, each zener measured same forwarding voltage compared to the +500V rail's zener. Any two in series also measured the same. However, when measured all three in series together, the burnt ones have a little bit lower forwarding voltage than the one that's not burnt.... Zeners themselves don't show any burns. It's amazing the PSU still worked under these conditions.... Anyone knows what might be causing this?
  18. See if the surface of the case is connected to ground, if it is, just tape part of the foil to the case. If it isn't, you might have to scratch the surface of the case a little to expose the metal that is grounded and tape the foil to that. There might be other ways, but this is the simplest I can think of.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. hmm... I might be imagining things up... I thought I saw somewhere someone mentioning that HC got taken off.
  21. I don't know... to me, posting stuff here is still closer to "private" than "public," since only a handful of people see it (especially after HC got taken off google search.) The most repulsive part of this thread is not how horribly built the LL is, but how daring Cavalli is in his response, knowing that most people here know what they are looking at. To be human is to err. If Cavalli is any reasonable manufacturer who is willing to correct his mistakes, I'm all for it, but evidently he is not, so I don't care if this thread ruins his business; in fact, I do hope so, since he clearly is enjoying screwing over consumers.
  22. Just finished watching a Japanese drama called Hanzawa Naoki. It's very different from the US primetime dramas; it has very few big scenes and very little action elements. It gets its point across mainly with words. It's a damn good show, but it does get a little dry from time to time because of its wordiness. Season finale reached record high in Kanto, Japan at 42.2%, so the second season is probably coming, and I can't wait to watch more.
  23. Belated Happy Birthday!
  24. Congrats. It's good to see that you didn't give up. It's all worth it at the end.
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