Do you consider my review honest and fair?
Just call it and experiment. I'll ask a mod to remove the thread in a few days, if no one reading this does before that.
I vote for ps-1. Will give you more energy for metal over the dry sounding hp1000, yet still have buttery smooth highs for symphonies. Sound stage is less forward then any other John Grado. hd650 sounds slow, veiled and dark in comparison.
Got my amp back last week. I had my gf listen to both headphones to see what she thought of them. She ended up preferring the ps-1's because the cymbals and tambourine hits had a clearer and more crisp sound. She found the rs-1 vocals to sound fuller, but didn't like that they weren't as clear sounding.
I find myself listening to the ps-1's mostly. The rs-1 bass has more of a hump and is rolled off. The ps-1 bass just satisfies. ^^
I had my amp looked at this weekend and the rectifier for the filament had gone bad. The filament voltage was only about 3.5 volts when it should be about 6.3. So hopefully this week I can have my system back with the same tube setup as before. ^^