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High Rollers
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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ

  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I got a basketball net to put on our garage as a present. ^^ And I spent the day flooring our basement apartment. Biggie.
  2. Happy Birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  3. They sell thousands of headphones each year. I'm sure he could care less about the money from a few auctions. Biggie.
  4. You mean like if John Grado had a bunch of free systems enclosures lying around and a bunch of gs1k drivers, and then tweaked those drivers... Biggie.
  5. Damn I miss the guys birthday, and I only work with him! Happy birthday Ernie. ^^ Biggie.
  6. Take the left over free systems aluminum cups, screw in some tweaked gs1k drivers, and you have the ps-1. Biggie.
  7. Bowls with ps-1. Flats. senn h414 pads or squished bowls for rs-1s. Biggie.
  8. Woot I finally solved the problem. Kelly's Corner had some registry entries that put the search back in the start menu and context menus. ^^ Biggie.
  9. Hmmm I tried the "sfc /scannow" to noavail. I will try the do dah doo dah method next. ^^ Biggie.
  10. Thanks for the idea. I tried, but no dice. My system restore would be from over a month ago, so I'm not yet willing to go that route. Biggie.
  11. Yeah its super awesome. I click the search button in explorer and nothing happens. ^^ Gross I run a mac at work, but boot into windows. Biggie.
  12. I think it dissapeared around the time I installed service pack 3. Does anyone know the name/location of the exe that launches the search command? Thanks, Biggie.
  13. The problem I have the with Omega 2 is that you hear the music, but you don't feel it like you do with a lot of dynamics. So for me, it does not get my toes tapping, or 'rock'. I don't have any complaints about the sound though. Biggie.
  14. As far as I know good places to eat in Charlottetown don't exist. Damn I miss Toronto cuisine. Biggie.
  15. I'd still consider having 2 headphone/player setups minimal. 1 good rig, then a second rig for tossing around and for when you are exercising. Biggie.
  16. Did anyone give this amp some grado love? Biggie.
  17. I was wondering if anyone had contacts to wire manufacturers? Thanks, Biggie.
  18. Sine waves, or square waves? Biggie.
  19. Lol. Biggie.
  20. I also use squished bowls. It tames the highs vs. normal bowls without adding the extra bass of the flats. Its not the perfect solution, but its a nice alternative. I certainly prefer flats over regular bowls. Biggie.
  21. R-10 needs an amp to plump its rolled off bass. I don't see how that would help a grado to sound good. The "top of the otl mountain" is not going to maximize a grados potential. Biggie.
  22. Bowls give rs-1 a bad name. Biggie.
  23. I disagree. Good amps for grados are a far rarer breed then good amps for hd-650's. Biggie.
  24. I hope you didn't rape your sr100's like this guy: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f10/fs-grado-sr100-w-hp-1-drivers-goodies-311937/ I recommend a recable for grados. Use some wire known for smooth highs. Biggie.
  25. I thought the dt770 had some of the worst bass I've ever heard on a headphone. And I like my bass. Biggie.
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