I am digging the compass. It is quite a bargain at its introductory price. It gives a lot of oomph to my sr60's over my work imac's headphone jack. The sound is smooth and clean. I wish the low gain setting had even less gain though.
You can read all about 12au7/ecc82 tubes on Audio Ayslum. I personally use:
cbs 7318
cbs 5814a black plate square getter
amperex 7316pq
telefunken 12au7 smooth plate
Bought a pair of Tannoy Revolution Signature DC6 speakers.
Upgraded my vh audio spectrum ag interconnects to Antipodes Gold interconnects.
Plans for 2009 include getting a usb dac/amp combo for my speakers.
When this happens to me, I re-list the auction, and if they do end up paying before the 7 days are up, I cancel the auction. Of course I've never had to cancel the auction.