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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ

  1. Happy Birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  2. I don't see why you would put in one bid, then later put in a higher bid in this situation. Biggie.
  3. Lol, someone needs a better ebay bidding strategy. Put in your max bid at the right time, and your done. Biggie.
  4. I am digging the compass. It is quite a bargain at its introductory price. It gives a lot of oomph to my sr60's over my work imac's headphone jack. The sound is smooth and clean. I wish the low gain setting had even less gain though. Biggie.
  5. I own a compass dac. Yeah. Biggie.
  6. Is the Joe Grado interview video released yet? Biggie.
  7. Bah, and I was thinking of saving up for some hf-1's. Biggie.
  8. Happy Birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  9. Happy Birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  10. The later mullards are crap. Biggie.
  11. You can read all about 12au7/ecc82 tubes on Audio Ayslum. I personally use: cbs 7318 cbs 5814a black plate square getter amperex 7316pq telefunken 12au7 smooth plate Biggie.
  12. If they sell enough, it will only be the beginning. Biggie.
  13. Woot woot. Biggie.
  14. I'm just a poor chump now. Biggie.
  15. Looks hawt. Biggie.
  16. Bought a pair of Tannoy Revolution Signature DC6 speakers. Upgraded my vh audio spectrum ag interconnects to Antipodes Gold interconnects. Plans for 2009 include getting a usb dac/amp combo for my speakers. Biggie.
  17. When this happens to me, I re-list the auction, and if they do end up paying before the 7 days are up, I cancel the auction. Of course I've never had to cancel the auction. Biggie.
  18. HELLS YEAH! Biggie.
  19. I did that too. But after a while the silver crap stops being conductive and actually makes things worse. Biggie.
  20. Happy Birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  21. Yeah but I'm gonna need a payday advance to pay for them. Biggie.
  22. Gross some people cancelled there bids and now I'm the high bidder. Biggie.
  23. How did I miss this thread. ^^ Hope nobody minds a bump to give it more exposure. Biggie.
  24. Will anyone be selling assembled units? Biggie.
  25. No cammo coloured. I need something to go with my alo hat. T_T; Biggie.
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