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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ

  1. RA-1 is a great combo with rs-1. Heres the real myth: "Gearheads think something sounds bad because the parts cost is low." Biggie.
  2. Agreed. Biggie.
  3. Oh, hes going to love whats comming his way. Biggie.
  4. Fast, but not enough impact. You also don't get that up front grado presentation that many find ideal for rock. Biggie.
  5. I can't beleive you even clicked on this link. You sicken me you sexual beast you. Biggie.
  6. How much for tickets. ^^; Biggie.
  7. Oh the humanity. Biggie.
  8. I miss all the bitching. Unlock that thread and lets go at it again. Biggie.
  9. IEM's are annoying. My shure e4's are sitting in their package not getting used. Biggie.
  10. For the love of man jesus stop butchering thy precious out of print grados. Biggie.
  11. I could have sworn you were a 12 year old kid. Biggie.
  12. It sounds that way because you arn't hearing all the grunge introduced by the cheap analogue stage anymore. You get a more natural, detailed (real detail not bright highs), and overall effortless sound. Biggie.
  13. My ps-1's had 2 bad drivers. *shrugs* Biggie.
  14. Heh I have nothing to add. Its probably the drivers in the headphones or bad tubes. Biggie.
  15. GSS1000 would sound less gay then SS1000. Biggie.
  16. Mmm your anguish sustains me. Biggie.
  17. Oh trust me the bass is lovely and well controled on my system (the best I've ever heard so far). Its just that I wish I could use my other tubes that have more bass and fullness like I used when I had rs-1's. Biggie.
  18. I wish ps-1 had less bass so I could use less lean sounding tubes with them. I do enjoy that the bass isn't rolled off like the rs-1 though. Hopefully I get to hear Rydons take on grados pretty soon. Sounds like he has quite the mod for them. ^^ Biggie.
  19. Damn I need a U.S. address right by the border... Biggie.
  20. Since your band on head-fi I'm just going to put all my messages to you in this thread. It took 28 days for my gs1000's to arrive back at Todd's. Wtf bitch, you better get me some vip status on all my shipments from now on. Biggie.
  21. Well the veil is great for muffling sibilance/detail. Plus they have a built in soundstage. Biggie.
  22. Weclome to 19 minutes ago chummmmmmmmmmmmmmm-p: http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=534.msg13891;boardseen#new (post886) Bah I wish I had the ability and know how to link single posts... Biggie.
  23. Late night, come home Work sucks, I know She left me roses by the stairs Surprises let me know she cares I'd hit that yo. Biggly Boo.
  24. I saw a guy on the street the other day with a paper bag over his head. He was playing classical guitar.. Biggie.
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