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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ

  1. Stickies are annoying. Yeah, I really want to see the same thread title I'll never read every single time I log onto a forum area. Biggie.
  2. Replace your stock power cords with thicker guage cords. Replace any silver cables or stock cables with decent copper or gold ones. If your cd player uses opamps, upgrade them or get one with a better analogue stage. Replace the 701's with senn hd650's. All these things can cause harshness/brightness in the highs. If you can find a oneac cb1112 on ebay for cheap, I recommend it for power conditioning. Biggie.
  3. I know one person who received at free cd player from Cattylink, so its not too far a stretch to assume that Dr. Darthwells has received plenty of free gifts. Biggie.
  4. Hey Aerius, don't make me quote myself. ; Biggie.
  5. Who made her amp? Biggie.
  6. Thats an amp I would be interested in hearing. ^^ When I first called about a custom amp I asked about getting a 2a3 based amp, but asl didn't make a push pull 2a3 so I was swayed to the el34. I've got no complaints about the sound though. Biggie.
  7. melos + rs-1 is meh sounding. Biggie.
  8. A grado without the famous grado mids. Way too bright with donuts and and way too much bass with bowls. Sound stage is also overrated. I'll stick with ps-1's more pin-point imaging. Biggie.
  9. I disagree, equipment needs time to warm up before it sounds its best. Biggie.
  10. Sorry, speakers just don't do it for me. Biggie.
  11. cd3k's suck balls. R10 has a cool soundstage and is detailed but thats about all thats good about it. Biggie.
  12. Some amps use a fuse holder, which conceals the little fuse. So many other things that it could be though. Biggie.
  13. The fuse could have lost connection. Biggie.
  14. Wow, mine seems much smaller all of a sudden. Biggie.
  15. Luckily cheaper then that. Biggie.
  16. Well lets just say it cost more then any of Larry's most expensive options. The gaboon ebony is quite expensive to source. Heres my crude concept drawing: And more pics: Biggie.
  17. I don't notice much difference from changing my outlet to a furutech silver; just a bit more transparency. Using my diy power conditioner (15amp emi/rfi filter->15amp balanced isolation transformer->600v parallel caps) I notice a large reduction in hash in the high end, blacker backgrounds, lowered noise floor and a nice increase in bass slam and taughtness. Not a subtle change at all. ^^ Biggie.
  18. Thanks for the comments. Lol, yeah I wasn't expecting there to be so much wood put into it! It looks very sturdy. ^^ Biggie.
  19. It was built by the craftsman swt61 based off a design I sent him. The stand is made from gaboon ebony (the blackest of woods), bloodwood and quilted maple. It will be the resting place for my ps-1's once it arrives. Biggie.
  20. Is it not fast enough for you? It kills my computer. Biggie.
  21. Its Sunday March 18th now, due to the 17th being a holiday lol. Biggie.
  22. Let me know if you are interested in attending. Biggie.
  23. "It's just that it's really dry and there is that slight upper mids peak." How is that no sonic flaws? Biggie.
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