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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ

  1. Todd sold them the same price as the msrp of sr225's. Biggie.
  2. Kevin Gilmore has posted some interesting comments on rudidistor amps. And they arn't what I would call good comments. Biggie.
  3. Its new price was $199... Biggie.
  4. grado hf-1 (its like a better sr225) Koss KSC-35 (like a KSC-75 if it didn't suck) Koss porta pro (next best choice if you don't like clip-ons) grado sr-60 (I got a used pair for 20 bucks hehe) senn 580 (Probably the reason crossfeed was invented -> its got that hi-fi sound the girls swoon over) On the other hand, sony v6 is a bright peice of crap and I have nothing good to say about it sound wize. Biggie.
  5. Heavily modified asl aq1003-dt. Drives the heck out of grados. Biggie.
  6. Your friend has the rig I always wanted. Highend cd player + custom 2a3 amp + modded rs-1's (as refined as the rs-1's are, I always felt like it wasn't enough, and the ps-1's proved that). I even tried to get in contact with a out of business high end amp maker that used to mod rs-1's. I won't complain about what I have though. At the last mini-meet I went to I had the same problem with the k340's. Slipknot turned to mush on the k340's vs. ps-1's. Seems like the dynamic drivers can't keep up with the electrostatic drivers. I found the 2 biggest differences between the ps-1's and sr60's is the poor imaging of the sr60's and the sr60's inability to reproduce notes accurately (in that similar notes all sound exactly the same). Biggie.
  7. I use a dynamic headphone power amp with 4 el34's so I have a lot of experience with different el34's. The jj kt77 is by far the best all round tube. You can read more impressions of it on audioasylum. The el34 with the best tone is the sed 'winged c' 7ca7. Other el34's I have had in my system are svetlana el34, cryo valve art el34b, valve art el34b, siemens (rft) nos el34, new sensor mullard reissue el34 and grove tubes mullard el34m. Biggie.
  8. I never got to see his post. What did it contain? Biggie.
  9. I never noticed this Roam guy before. He posts like he is Aerius's twinner, and every post is gold. Biggie.
  10. Not as extreme as the cables themselves! Dude.. his cables go to 11. Biggie.
  11. Mother fucking assholes. Biggie.
  12. Yes, I would rather wear an i-toilet headphone then strap 2 speakers to my head. Biggie.
  13. They were thinking, hey lets make a headphone that doesn't look retarted so we can sell a whole lot more. Biggie.
  14. No, don't do that either. Because when your amp breaks, who is going to fix it? Biggie.
  15. If you don't like single powers service, stop ordering from them damn... Biggie.
  16. Wow I didn't find the gs1000 even close to neutral. And compared to my ps-1's, details were more obscured/veiled. I also don't find the gs1000 to share any traits with the electrostats I have heard. Biggie.
  17. Ori proved himself to be a real idiot in the early Zhaulo threads when he was posting mods for the unit, even though he had no understanding of what the parts he was removing actually did. edit: Philodox says it more concisely. Ori is a big time hack. Biggie.
  18. I found them fatiguing a couple minutes into listening to them. Switched to regular bowl pads for the rest of my time with them. I owned pair #4. They had too much bass with bowl pads. Soundwize my PS-1's killed them in every way. And their soundstage with the giant bowls is way overrated, all the pads do is make the sound more distant and funk up the highs. Biggie.
  19. Not my cup of tea at all. I would recommend listening to some grados such as sr225, hf-1, rs-1 or ps-1, and some Omega II's. Biggie.
  20. k701 is crap. About as descriptive as I care to get. Biggie.
  21. Interesting dac: http://www.promitheusaudio.com/dac.htm Sounds like it has some neat innovations for such a cheap dac. I'm not sure what type of dac chip it uses, but likely the same chip as all those other nos dacs are using. Biggie.
  22. Its $10 per table. Rigid low mass design for 50x less then something like a Quadraspire rack (another rigid low mass design). Biggie.
  23. Haha yeah, he drove me to that meet. We got to listen to all his dumbass cellphone conversations at full volume too. Biggie.
  24. Ikea lak table. All other racks are a rip off in comparison. ^^ Biggie.
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