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High Rollers
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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ

  1. You forgot the "before" pics.. Biggie.
  2. I love the portable knob. That is style. Biggie.
  3. Extremely coloured sound, lacking in bottom end (rolled off), interesting sound stage that works great for audiophile test disc recordings (extremely 3d), but terrible for generic rock cd's. Guitars also lacked the presence that say a Grado headphone has. Detail in the mids and highs was great and the imaging was very percise. Overall I hated the pair I listened to and rock music was extremely underwhelming on them. But they are still way better then cd3000's. Biggie.
  4. We need a Pimp my Amp thread... KG we will need full pics of the platinum knob. The gold knob was seriously awesome hehe. Biggie.
  5. It also had wood trim and led's under the gold plated caps so it looked totally pimping in the dark hehe. I beleive a guy in Australia (well known on the audioasylum chat board) made a prototype headphone amp that he then had gold plated. Oh yeah. ^.^ Biggie.
  6. The amp needs to be gold plated in order to be high-end. Biggie.
  7. It only becomes reference once you stick an ALO CABLE on it.. Biggie.
  8. This thing? http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?p=3023030#post3023030 Biggie.
  9. Why limit your choices to 2 guys whos credentials include liking headphones and building cables for people who like headphones. Biggie.
  10. I went to Home Depot today and they had nice plastic tubes 1 1/2 inch and 2 inch. 1 1/2 inch is too small for power cord barrels, and 2 inch is too large for my heatshrink. I need to find some 1 3/4 inch stuff doh. Biggie.
  11. I have a fossil pocket watch and it keeps breaking... Biggie.
  12. Happy birthday. Biggie.
  13. Try plugging your amp into a different outlet or into something else and see if that sound dissapears. Biggie.
  14. 3 ft. vh audio airsine with p-004/c-004 plugs. Biggie.
  15. What a horrible sounding can. Biggie.
  16. Hey, can you pm about this? Sounds interesting. ^^ Biggie.
  17. Actually gs1000's are quite warm with flat pads. Its just that the bass gets out of control. The bagels are to blaim for the bright highs. Biggie.
  18. You get some of the benefits of bowl pads (more soundstage, less bass) with less of the weaknesses of bowl pads (bright/fatiguing). Once I got the highs in my system smooth enough, I preferred crushed bowls on my rs-1's to flat pads. Biggie.
  19. There both made at grado, using the same wood and drivers. Luck of the draw.. Biggie.
  20. Have a happy birthday. ^.^ Biggie.
  21. Theres just some funkiness/glare in there upper mids and highs compared to the ksc-35's that ruin the ksc-75's for me. Biggie.
  22. The Koss KSC75 is a harsh peice of trash. If you can't get ksc-35's or porta pros, don't bother with them. Biggie.
  23. Dang, the big stuff is pretty expensive. Thanks for the link. Biggie.
  24. Word, I'll see what I can find. Do you know where I can buy large ass diameter heatshrink? Thanks, Biggie.
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