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High Rollers
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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ

  1. Its ok, you can pet my rs-1's if they ever arrive. Biggie.
  2. Copy paste text please. Biggie.
  3. They still arn't that fast. Biggie.
  4. You better be joking bitch.. Biggie.
  5. You can do it to any headband with enough patience. Biggie.
  6. Clamping is never an issue if you own the headphones and bend the headband to your optimal pressure.. Biggie.
  7. The ksc75's sound like ksc35's, but with funky metallic highs. I like porta pros. Biggie.
  8. Power music. Electric revival. Biggie.
  9. Oh right. I will be programming games. ^^ Biggie.
  10. I just accepted an offer at Capcom Mobile (Burlington, ON). http://www.capcommobile.com/ It's my first gaming job, woot! Biggie.
  11. Happy Birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  12. I can't wait to mod my v-dock. Biggie.
  13. Ok, so they both have recabled grados with enable process and rounded off edges, and both own the same source and both have custom dht amps for grados. But, they arn't the same person. Biggie.
  14. Ding ding ding, Roam is Aerius's chick friend? ^^ Biggie.
  15. Happy birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  16. Interesting tidbit about the mpx. I know Kuma loved Naim gear with grados. I have some recabled rs-1's coming soon. Will see how they compare to my recabled ps-1's. Biggie.
  17. I guess that puts that rumor to rest. Biggie.
  18. Isn't the edition 9 a rebadged edition 7 at $1000 less? We all know how favourable those were. Biggie.
  19. But you didn't give up on them before feeding the hype machine. Maybe so you could sell them quickly. Biggie.
  20. Happy Birthday. ^^ Biggie.
  21. Yeah, he was using head-fi as a write off for his company. So when he said the money was coming out of his own pockets, he meant his companies. Biggie.
  22. Theres a thread with pics on head-fi about the Joe Grado speakers. Biggie.
  23. You had me at "yes". Biggie.
  24. Its the grill off some can swt61 woodied. Biggie.
  25. Any preferrences on these? Biggie.
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