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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fitz

  1. Don't break anything this time around.
  2. Fitz

    Get your game on!

    Damn, I so wanted that to be good, too.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Happy Birthday! If only you had some nice whisky to celebrate with...
  5. I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm a pure and innocent soul.
  6. It takes a real man to wear that outfit.
  7. I spend way too much time on r/formuladank
  8. Got power back on at my place after two and a half days without it. Fuck you Zeta.
  9. Thanks guys... I buried her under the tree just outside the window she liked to stare out of. Gonna have to get used to not having my shadow following me around the house anymore.
  10. Matilda, my 15 year old cat I've had since she was a kitten passed this morning.
  11. Fitz

    Get your game on!

    My bad, I meant to say just over six more weeks now.
  12. Insert joke about tasting pickles here.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. The replacement input jacks for my Fluke dmm finally showed up. When I desoldered the old ones, I found something that wasn't as it should be, and perfectly explained the problems I'd been having with the meter. A $20 part this time, and another piece of test equipment is back in working order.
  15. Dammit Brent.
  16. Fitz

    Speaker Porn

    What about hatchbacks?
  17. Goddammit Brent, this is why we can't have nice things.
  18. Finally got around to installing the replacement IEC inlet / EMI filter on my spectrum analyzer. Hit the power button and it powered up as it should, thank satan. Then I ran a signal into it and the results were a bit... strange. It displayed the frequency way offset from what it should be, and there was some weirdness in what was displayed, and the problem was the same on both inputs. So I went into the self-test menu and most stuff was fine, but every test for the digital filter board errored out. Oh dear. It seemed fine and reseating it didn't accomplish anything, so I spent the next couple hours with the service manual, checking voltages, clock signals, data lines, etc. Everything seemed to check out fine. Everything suggested it should be working. I decided on a whim to run the self-test again, and... it worked? Hooked it back up to a signal, and... it's fine now? Wat. I dunno what the actual problem was, maybe one of the other boards I pulled in the process of checking things needed to be reseated, maybe it just needed to warm up for a while longer to shake off the cobwebs, who knows. All I know is it's finally working again, and all it took was a $16 part, so I'm happy.
  19. Gods oinks, another birthday already?
  20. Fitz


    Oh. Ohhhh.
  21. Fitz


    Good thing I can't stand the feeling of IEMs or I'd be tempted.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Happy Birthday!
  25. Happy Birthday!
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