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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fitz

  1. Happy Birthday, Jeff! Enjoy the Superb Owl.
  2. Nobody said you had to plug in the other end.
  3. Now you're just making up words.
  4. What's your hot take on hot pockets?
  5. The tap pin is the one not soldered on your current one. If you're looking at the top right image in the datasheet, that's not a picture looking at the bottom of the pot, but the PCB layout the pot would fit into.
  6. It must take a while to make adjustments.
  7. Fitz

    The Wire

    I should probably get around to watching the Wire one of these days, huh.
  8. Happy Birthday, Mike! May your Three Floyds never run dry.
  9. Yeah, now is definitely not an ideal time to buy a new GPU. It's gonna take a while for supply to catch up and prices to get back to sane levels.
  10. You wouldn't be the first guy to exaggerate the length of his snake.
  11. That's not his bag, baby.
  12. My condolences.
  13. That would certainly explain a lot...
  14. What if it was the dongle that gave you the headache?
  15. Fitz

    Get your game on!

    I relied a lot on a silenced Overture my first playthrough too, but once you get a handle on things, you can be disgustingly OP with nearly anything. One day I did a bit of experimenting to see how high I could consistently get damage with a weapon. Unsurprisingly with Overture I could get up to around 1.8-1.9 million headshot damage, but with Panam's rifle I could generally do 1.5-1.8 million headshot damage, with the massive benefit of it firing through walls. Those pale in comparison to the Breakthrough (iconic tech sniper rifle), where I was hitting just shy of 15 million headshot damage. My current character I'm using a Crusher shotgun as my primary weapon, Comrade's Hammer if I want to make some pink mist, and a baseball bat with the wiffle ball bat skin just because how much it amuses me running around smacking people over the head with it. On my first character I used the mantis blades a fair bit when stealth failed, and never got tired of being able to leap across a great distance to impale people with them. Though the long animation for special kills with it was a bit of a hindrance at times.
  16. Happy Birthday G-Ram!
  17. I've never even heard of a K240.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Fitz

    Get your game on!

    Haven't played it yet but I've had Brigador on my Steam wishlist. Looks pretty good from the little I've seen. I copped it on GOG, but plan to buy it on Steam if I ever actually get around to playing it. My backlog is already a mile long though and I'm only halfway through my second (of three, for now) playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077.
  20. Happy Birthday Ken, try to stay out of trouble tonight!
  21. Happy Birthday you nerd.
  22. Fitz

    Get your game on!

    Same here, I'm 66 hours in and aside from the amusing visual and physics glitches, I've had very few bugs of any significance. Only once I've had to reload because a sidequest bugged out. I do have a bug where if I load a save anywhere in Watson, Johnny says a line (about the house rakin' it in) and the subtitles stay permanently on screen, but I can just go to another district, quicksave and reload, and it goes away.
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