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  • Interests
    Electronics DIY, Cooking, Good food and more good food.
  • Location
    Tamworth, NSW, Australia
  • Gender


  • Biography
    Dip of Elect Eng Bendigo Institute of Technology, Bach of Elect Eng RMIT Melbourne. Worked at Kodak Australia, Caterpillar Australia, Dick Smith Electronics and BigW
  • Location
    Tamworth, Australia
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Semi retired, Nightfill BigW, Tamworth
  • Headphones
    SR-507, SR-003 and Senn MX-980
  • Headphone Amps
    SRM-252S, SRM-313, KGSShv, KGST, KGSS
  • Sources
    JDS Lab Odac
  • Other Audio Gear
    Devialet Silver Phantom wireless Speaker, DIY Isobaric twin EV SP15c sub woofer, Luxman L10 amp. Yamaha RX-A3000 HT receiver, 3 x AMT Heil tweeters

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Limited Edition Bronze Participant

Limited Edition Bronze Participant (4/6)



  1. Thank you Shipping paid
  2. Received pots and pcbs in good condition downunder. Thanks for the gb
  3. Confirm genuine. I have purchased 2SJ74BL/2SK170BL pairs recently from DefQon pm.
  4. Payment sent for a total of 6 boards
  5. Hello Soren Boards arrived in down under. Thanks
  6. Thank you for GB. Paid
  7. Paypal balance of shipping charges. Great thank you for GB
  8. Happy birthday !!!!
  9. A great build as usual John. Must start on my Carbon build
  10. Payment US$129 sent via PP Thank for GB
  11. Thank you for your kind words. Metal work is not my forté. Reason this build is unbalance input is I am saving my very precious 4 ganged alpha pot purchased from the Don years ago for my carbon project. Also I do not own any preamp or source with balance output.
  12. Thank you. I will take that into account in future builds. Will modify the wiring run as suggested by the Don
  13. At last finish my KGST. This is my first completed KG project cased. Please I like any suggestion to improve my future build. It's a long road finding machine shop locally to cut the ventilation hole with an old milling machine.
  14. Wow Me want mill. What type of mill are you using? Is it easy to use? I mean software wise?
  15. Sorry am l too late? I need 2 boards please if at all possible
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