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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Bigguy

  1. Hey Tyll, I zoomed in and saw you flipping the bird as the satelite flew over. Nice.
  2. ^^^^ You're out of order! No, You are out of order!
  3. Sharks still rule!
  4. Grahame, the touch screen looks cool but seems very contrary to a no texting while driving law. It will force you to take your eyes off the road.
  5. Bigguy


    Can I play COD on it?
  6. Bigguy

    Gerry Anderson RIP

    Loved the Thunderbirds!
  7. ^^^^^ very small flash mob?
  8. Bigguy


    Just noticed they are having a Woot-Off today, on a monday?
  9. Jack is miserable now.
  10. Bigguy

    RIP Dave Brubeck

    Take 5 Dave. RIP
  11. Exxxcellent!!! We stopped going to live performances because of the talkers.
  12. 396.997 + 38 = 434.997 Met my better half while roller skating. We put up with each other now.
  13. Say Hi to PSY!
  14. http://www.newyorker...nl_Borowitz (27) Apple's Tim Cook's advice on maps. Really funny.
  15. Now I know what i in iPhone stands for. Indiana.
  16. I have the iPhone 4 and am ready to throw it in a lake somewhere. My iPad3 with verizon LTE does everything faster. Even my iPad1 with 3G was faster than this phone. I will dump it and get a dumb phone since I only use about 5 minutes a month on the phone. I do use my iphone to stream podcasts with my unlimited plan but they probably wont (just heard they will) grandfather it into the LTE plans anyway. Apple fail, still not good enough for me to upgrade to iPhone5. And the new f'd up new connecter! WTF!
  17. iPhone 5, MEH
  18. Waah!
  19. Tried the Apple Smart case and returned it. Hated the sharp edges. Tried a Speck case, plastic to stiff. Finally settled on a Belkin case I got at Costco. Works great.
  20. Can I get that A-Spray in a gallon size for my son?
  21. Now I am hungry fo one of doze dayum burgers!
  22. Thanks Todd, I was getting ready to start doing something productive but you saved me from that horrific fate. I can now return to my usual misspent adulthood.
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