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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Bigguy

  1. Bigguy

    Mayberry Redux

    New name, Gutziguy I suffer from the same condition. Voltron, I usually have that same glaze in my eyes when I listen to your equipment.
  2. Do I hear a NorCal contingent road trip?
  3. Bigguy

    slow forum

  4. Bigguy

    slow forum

    AAAWWW My eyes! My eyes! This cannot be unseen now!
  5. Bigguy

    slow forum

    Just another reason to like mustard.
  6. I met Will Wheaton the year after he got fired off ST. He deserved it, he was a real punk IRL.
  7. Bigguy

    slow forum

    UserFriendly Strip Comments
  8. Bigguy

    slow forum

  9. This format looks vaguely familiar to me. I have seen it somewhere before.
  10. Bigguy

    slow forum

    Buddy was the best. Try that on Rockband!
  11. Bigguy

    slow forum

  12. Bigguy

    slow forum

    It finally happened!
  13. Bigguy

    slow forum

  14. Anybody have a link to a leaked new Weezer album?
  15. Bigguy

    slow forum

  16. I'm in.
  17. Bigguy

    slow forum

    They do make some killer burritos in Mountain View!
  18. Bigguy

    slow forum

    James Brown and Pavarotti. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCIyzNISw1Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCIyzNISw1Q
  19. Bigguy

    slow forum

    When asked for a comment, he said "Dat bitch was askin for it!"
  20. Duffy CD Filter CD Death Cab 4 Cutie CD
  21. Bigguy

    slow forum

    Can you you say P-H-A-R-M-A-C-U-E-T-I-C-A-L-S?
  22. I work on perfecting a hoax everyday. And for that I get paid weakly.
  23. Bigguy

    Post Your Pet

    Laying about and rolling in paint/sawdust.
  24. When i said no other devices, I meant the other dedicated wireless print server I bought didn't work.
  25. I use one as a USB printer wireless server on my windoze wireless. It worked first time. I tried other devices with no luck.
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