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Everything posted by Chrysanthemum

  1. Well the cat is out of the bag. If you have DVD-A you can buy a Sony and still use them. I would load up more pictures but something happened to the camera and the remaining pictures were of my vacation. Unless you want to see a picture of me in my new two piece bathing suit ,standing in the sand, holding a fresh caught Mackrel. Thanks to Roh's Street Cafe for having us and also to note, they make one heck of a cup of coffee. They make them fancy kind of coffee's too like "HooDeh Cream Latie" and "HeadCase-MedCase Exspresso". The most notable event of the day were the presence of the four, yes count em four, LOVELY YOUNG LADIES that stopped by and spent the whole day. The tall one in the long blue denium skirt had a thing for me so I chit chatted a we bit and gave her my autograph and told her she is not my type. I know Todd's hand was sore too from all thoes autographs. I was able to give a better listen to Todds two cdp's, the one of which I had never seen before. Forgive me but I don't remember the name of the two piece unit. But it and the Phillips 1000 (APL tube modded) were the best. The Phillips was a tad warmer while the other was a tad more detailed. But both were excellent. Todds Slam is even better than Jackobs with a very expensive Mullard tube. It had a very high end sound. I was blown away by Earls AKG K81 (??if I got that right) headphones and the pint. It was excellent for a small unit and a tidy small headphone. Jackobs slam was wonderful as always but I ignored the modded Grado's. I did knot know that they were special. Jackobs DAC was sounding very spot on as well. I did not share the feelings toward AT 3000's as everyone else. The midrange sounded like it was not as natural as it should be to me. I did find a headphone there that could unseat me favorite Beyer DT 990's and that was the Grado 1000's. This is the first comfortable and proper sounding Grado I have heard to date. It may well be better than the DT 990's but $730 better the the DT 990's, hummmmmmm. I snatched up Earls Senn 595's with the Black Dragon cable to play with for awhile and maybe it will be a keeper. Needs more study. Well there you have it.
  2. There was one profound discovery with my Sony 9100ES. But I will let Earl tell you about it because you probably woulden't believe me being the owner of the unit. :o :o
  3. Oh! How could I forget. This is a picture of Michail from SinglePower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He sure looks like he is having a great time, doesn't he.
  4. Here is a picture of Earl and Todd during the Pizza food fight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is a picture of all of Todds equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here is a picture of Earl's equipment. . . . . . . . Here is a picture of Jackobs equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here is a picture of my equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And there you have a good idea of the best of what was there.
  5. Here is a group picture. I am in the third row about ten people from the teft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . More pic's to come.
  6. Well, this is it. The "BIG DAY". 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, ........... Hope they have free coffee again this time. Oh, what to wear, what to wear??? Clean and polish the Zana, check. I stayed up all night recableing my new headphones, I hope you guys appreciate that.
  7. RATS! Foiled again.
  8. Give us a geographical bio on you and welcome. No equiptment huh? Bring lots of money. We'll fix that. We offer excessivly high interest rate payment plans too. Looking forward to seeing you (no equiptment nessessary).
  9. DAM!...I can't belive I did all that...... I need a life. \
  10. I would set up a stand with an overpriced profilatic dispenser and a banner overhead warning of the possibility of AIDS.
  11. I would shoot all the females but one (the prettiest). Then I would toss the gun way in the bushes and let the remaining female attack me. . . . . . . . . HEY! IT'S PROBABLY ALL I COULD HANDLE AT THIS POINT, and come out alive.
  12. I would tell them "practice this week is at my house".
  13. I would ask the molesters if they make house calls.
  14. I would take notes on presentation and hold up a score card for each female.
  15. Hotel room??? Next time let me know. I have a two story house with four bedrooms and it's just my wife, Abby the dog and I. It's an easy short ride to UC. For that matter I have another semi furnished three bedroom house sitting with no occupants in it.
  16. Well, If hopeing gets your ass down here for the meet, then we'll hope right along with ya.
  17. Hummmm! What to wear??? What to wear???
  18. I have a newer and an older Nissan Altima. Both have had no problems at all and have never returned to the dealer since new. Dotto for the 93 Nissan Sentra and 92 Camry which are now driven by my offspring.
  19. Man, if I was you, Id get a stock (new) Mazda 3 or Civic. As far as the insurance company knows you bought a good economy car. With all the trick stuff out there you can take it out as far as you want or can afford to or just do a little at a time. You can change the look and performance and musical sound to suit, for one badass car.
  20. Just maybe I could have a Senn HD700 for the meet. OOooops! I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.
  21. I'M BACK! Whats going on? It's time to beat the drum. We got a big meet going on here. I got sunburnt, caught some fish (2 of them were sharks), and in general had a real blast of a good time. I saw more sharks down there than anything. Scube diving, after repairing a bad regulator, was tons of fun....NOW it's time for a great MEET.
  22. Uh! Make that three new headphones comming. Unfortunatly it looks like the Saturn won't be available in time.
  23. I went for the best of everything when I had the "Ear+ HD Extream" made up. I started off with a modded up Ear+ HD and further stuffed it with lots of goodness. It did sound very good. The Ear+ is a good solid basic design well implimented by Dr. Peppard at Mapletree. It is easy to understand and to mod. I wish Mark would detail what he did with the wood based amp. Oh, and Dr. Peppard does help with your modding questions when juiceing up an Ear+. He is very nice to talk to.
  24. Having heard both and owning both a standard Ear+ and a souped up Ear+ HD, I would prefere to own the PPX3 Slam first but closely followed by the Ear+ HD. Actually you can't go wrong either way. I would do a Ear+ HD before thr standard PPX3 as good as it may be though.
  25. Hummmmmmm, lets see! I will bring 2 new headphones and the Beyer DT 990's. I will bring 3 Eddie Current amps (Zana Duex, Dual Mono2 and the 2A3/300B) and at least 2 new sources, fully modded.
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