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Everything posted by Chrysanthemum
Eddie Current / Laconic Lunch Box has landed!
Chrysanthemum replied to en480c4's topic in Headphone Amplification
Yeah, it's sounds great and all, but is it insulated to keep a Double Decker Mayo BLT fresh until lunchtime??? Is there room for a Thermos? -
I don't know whats goin on here either. It's mighty suspicious. Smacks of homosexuality and foul play, I speck. But Im a packin just in case. Nothin beats a warm portable amp on one side and a freshly fired Glock 45 CDP on the other side.
I just bought a PA2V2 and a Super Macro just so I could post on HeadFi and talk to the people over there bout something.
Depends on how much of your hobby is really your hobbie.
I hope I diden't put anybody off from the hobbie at HeadFi with my post. http://www5.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=195180
Yep! I know all bout them "New Toys". I will recieve shortly a SuperMacro3 v3 and a PA2V2??? or some such thingy. Enjoy your new toy.
I recieved the new toy Saturday and it is a blast. I cut for 20 min. Then I went back to the shop to buy an add on. I bought the optional front bumper for $83. It is 2.5" round and solid not hollow. Now I won't have to pick small Toyotas, Hondas, and dogs out from under the mower. \ My John Deere rear engine rider cut the yard in 1.5 hours. The Zero Turn rider did it twice in 20 min. It is as much fun as operating a bulldozer.
Yeah, whatever......................How great a sound you hear really is dependant on how good the TeckFlex looks with the headphones. Image is everything.
Not yet, but Im gonna be ten real soon, "betch ya" on that.
http://www.gravely.com/images/acc/otc_wind_break_cab.jpg OTC Wind Break Cab Stay comfortable in any weather conditions with this completely soft sided, zipper door wind break cab. Compatible with the snow blower and snow blade. Please reference part number 50041.
No problem at all. I do like Harley's. But when you first posted the picture it diden't show up on your thread till this morning so I diden't know what I was suppost to be looking at Now I see it...Very nice.
Er....it looks nice.
Double post.??????????????????????????
I told the wife I just have to have a Harley Soft Tail. Ed across the street just got one and Bob on the side street just got a Kawasickie. And Mo, down the street just got a Miata. Dear, I need to save face here. The man who dies with the most toys WINS. Ya know? She said "NO". You got ten bad discs in your back and bad hips and knee joints plus at your age you don't belong on a bike. Then she said your John Deere riding lawnmower (RX75 rear engine rider) is 17 years old. Why don't you just get a nifty new lawn mower instead? Doesn't that count as a "Nifty boy toy". I said get rid of my John Deere, oh Lord no. She said "just get a new John Deere, a bigger one or something. I said if I get something new I want something different just for the experience. She said "NO bikes or sports cars". Just get a new lawnmower. Any kind you want. Sooooooooo, I did. And here it is. http://www.gravely.com/products/athome/minizt1534/photos.asp Wait till the guys in the neighborhood get aload of this. And I am the first one on the block to have one too. . Way way COOOOOL.
I understand that. But does the RAM mod, using treansformers, use a tube also?
I thought you had the tube outputs on that thing Todd? Boy it sure sounds tube like to me. Very warm , mellow, and detailed.
The APL mods sounded exactly like what HRAM does (shutter to think that). I would have been worried that APL might farm yours out to HRAM to do. HRAM sucks. You did the E5 mod your self. Why not this one? And after Matt is done with it do go in and beef up the size of the regular caps in the P/S and use ultra fast soft recovery diods, that is if you coulden't get him to do it. You will have a winner then.
I found tubes easily and they are currently in production in Russia, I am to understand. The six I have are from the original NOS tube run they made for the Mig Jet. Highly tested but no longer under Russian security quarentine. Them e'll cost ya a might bit more. From what I understand from a previous conversation with Craig is that the power supply would go dual mono (remote the transformers) and tube rectified. In other words a seperate power supply for each side. I have one powersupply doing double duty totally on board. Also the biggest caps would be oil caps specially made for Craig from soy bean oil and would be large. I have some ultra premium (hard to find) caps inside mine, which were very expensive but not as large or as good as the soy in oil caps used now. Oh yeah, a deluxe case. For thoes of you familiar with the EC2A3 and the 2A3si, you will find a similar technology/ build philosophy applied to the upgrade path there as well. And to get a Black Rose ya toss in some better resistors and use premium grade transformers. It's like adding dual exhaust to a car for better performance.
Sorry! I will put the other one back then. ...............................................Actually I was just tube rolling and that tube would work so I tried it and ended up leaving it there.
Ooops! Mybe thats why only I can open it. Anyway 909 had the pics. I did not know. I have not opened gmail since before vacation till today. And Earl, thoes rectifier tubes look just like the ones that shipped with mine but I changed them. They were a china 6 lmnopqrst something. Dual mono tube rectification, nice.
May I present to you the New Zana Duex. Get you wallets out. http://mail.google.com/mail/?view=att&disp=emb&attid=0.1&th=10cd67a0fc56d1d9
Sony 9100ES and Denon 3910 mods. Disclaimer: To start with, I am NO WAY affiliated with APL, HRAM, or SACDmods, All mods done were at full retail price. Sorry about the ?fan boyishness toward some modding retailers. It is all there to see you get the biggest bang for the buck and not get burned. About the owner: I have and can mod my own equipment to some degree as well as build my own equipment as I have done so to many ?Amateur Ham Radio? pieces over the years as well as licensed to do so. However at age 56 my hand is shaky and the expensive items are left to the ?so called pros?. The ?so called pros? we will attempt to ferret out for you here in limited quantities. Some background: The two units I have modded are the Denon 3910 and the Sony 9100 ES. Both are top nominees for modding and the choice for top modders everywhere. Both of these units can yield exciting results and turn a so-so everyday player into a real high-end player. I am happy to report excellent results were realized from both units. The modded parts for both units share a common thread and are the same for some items replaced but not all. The Denon has a more extensive mod. So please stay alert while reading this. Before the 3910/9100 I tried the Denon 2910. The 2910 is a good ?first? universal player for somebody going from the small portable items to house bound offerings when money is a consideration. The sound is wholly adequate for the intended purpose. However I would not use this unit as an item for modding consideration as it yielded less than expected better results. The Sony 9100 ES stock sound I was not at all amused with as a stock Denon 2910 sounded better. The Denon 3910 stock sound was better than the 2910 and quite a bit better than the stock Sony IMHO. The Denon 3910 and Sony 9100 ES are in a whole league higher than the 2910 when it comes to the basic components needed to give very good modding results with moderate cost involved. Ah, yes you can spend a bundle and achieve very great ?the best of the best? results if you desire. But in this case I am a cheapskate and wanting to drive a REAL bargain that sounds to good to believe for the dollar spent. I need to preface the internal details by saying that both units are solid-state from start to finish. That?s right, NO TUBES. As some of you may know of me and may ask ?Mikey you are all about tubes with all your tube amps, including the Zana Duex and all, WHAT?S SUP?? With all the CDP?s, that are tube, that I listened to, only the modded ($2500 to $3500 mod cost) units sounded good enough to want and ?that? I could not justify at this time. So I set my sights on as close to analogue a mod that I could get at a more satisfying price. Mod prices: The Sony 9100ES mod was under $780 at SACDmods. The Denon mods were $457 from SACDmods, $450 from APL and $535 from HRAM. I must note here that HRAM did a dack realignment and op amp change. They ground off the tops of the op amps so you could not tell which ones they were using. They tell you that they are special made for HRAM?yeah, right. Some ?missed the mark placement of wiring and cold solder joints were also evident as well as no-name caps and resistors. Draw your own conclusions from all of that. Lets go on with the internal details now. The Sony 9100ES: This is going to be short and simple. The Sony 9100ES received the standard SACDmods modification. The player originally used Burr Brown OPA2132 opamps in the analog output stage, with film bypassed electrolytic coupling capacitors between the opamps and the outputs. LC Audio LClock XO3, LC Audio ZapFilter, Mk II Harris/Fairchild HEXFRED Diodes, and Cardas GRFA Silver/Rhodium RCA jacks were installed. The Sony 9100 has a pretty good hefty power supply already and it is also fairly clean too. The end result to the upgrade is a very high-grade quality sound for ALL frequencies. Everything improves dramatically. The Denon 3910. What was previously stated for the Sony 9100ES as added mod parts is also true for the Denon except for the clock. Also the Denon received some additional parts. Instead of the LC Audio LClock XO3 and APL designed clock was used because the LC Audio LClock XO3 is just a master clock. That was all the Sony needed but the Denon needs more help. The APL clock is a master clock and all the other unit clocks also, on one board. So all the clocks in the Denon are upgraded to less than 1ppm accuracy. The master/sub clock system in the stock Denon is not all that great. Also the power supply is a switching power supply as opposed to the Sony?s transformer type, which is superior. So all the caps were replaced with much larger value mid quality Panasonic caps. Regular diodes were replaced with ?ultra fast soft recovery diodes?. This was done by HRAM modders. Then Matt Anker at SACDmods further modified things by adding some large BlackGate caps and another regulator into the mix. The BlackGates were installed after the power supply as a sort of final filtering ?brick wall? against unwanted power supply noise. To note here: Matt Anker does not normally re-mod someone else?s work. He was kind enough to help me out with this project though. He is one heck of a great fellow and does first class, very clean, fitted, secured work. The end result was a modded Denon that is just a tad better and smoother than the Sony. The downside, if there is one, is that both units have the same ?house sound? because they both use the Zap Filter 2 for the audio output. It?s like having a VW Bug and a Yugo and the body shop owner tells you they turned out great but they both look like Cadillac?s. Is that really a down side though? Conclusion: Both units are now performing far above the average sound an Audiophile would expect from either CDP. The bass is plentiful with good PRAT or pace rhythm and timing. The mid frequencies are silky smooth and detailed. The treble is detailed with no sign of harshness or fatigue. There is good extension of the frequencies on both ends and the sound is a hint analogue-ish in nature. Oh and of course, a huge sound stage with depth and plenty of air around the instruments. I am very pleased wit the effort, expense and end result. I would do it again, if need be.
Yeah, an hurry up about it. Us welfare recipiants want to live the good life too.
Glad you made it Adam. Thanks for the donuts. On another note, Todd is the only member in the group in a good position to buy this, and I nominate him to do so......................A Supra XLR SLAM.
Heh Todd! I'll trade ya the Zana and the modded Denon 3910 for the Slam with Mullard and the Philly 1000. SLAP SLAP SLAP,(throws bucket of ice cold water on oneself). Oh, nevermind. I changed my mind.