I am working on an amplifier with 2A3 triodes for the output. This is the schematic:
V1 12AU7; V2, V3 12AX7; V4, V5 2A3
The values used for the simulation are:
Rload 10K
R1 4K75
Rk1 1K74
Rg1, Rg2, Rg3, Rb4, Rb5 274K
Rp1 475R
Rk2, Rk3 100R
Rp2, Rp3 100K
Rg4, Rg5 1K
Rk4, Rk5, R45 10R
Rp4, Rp5 2K49
C2, C3, Cp2, Cp3 1uF
Cs4, Cs5 0.1uF
B+ 300VDC and Bias -50VDC
It is my first aproach to the Stax system, and any comment is welcome.