all IEM's give me tinnitus after using them for a few hours so i only use full sized headphones,is it just my fucked up ears or is it a common problem?
Can you please give an example for a vintage option,that you would recommend blessingx ?
digger945,thanks,i think i'll contact him and see if his price is not firm.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys,i guess i'm gonna have to gamble here because it is impossible for me to audition any of the Dac's in this thread in my country
i still haven't decided,it's so hard to choose.
Thanks for the help.
well i would rather not get anything Chinese because i don't want it to go dead on me in 3 months hehe,and i am really not adventurous unfortunately.
damn so many options! i was thinking of getting a 0404 usb or a 1212m or an asus stx,i don't mind if it's USB or a soundcard,it's really hard to choose.
i guess the best two options are the V-DAC and the Pico,did anyone compare the two?
Hey guys,
i have done extensive reading both here and on "that other site"
and i more or less decided on buying a Pico because i read some glowing reviews from experienced and well respected members,but then i read some not so glowing reviews ,not a suprise since this happens with just about anything in audio.
plus it is really hard to keep up with all the new DAC's,so i was wondering if you could tell me that the Pico is still the best at it's price range or would you recommend i'll go for something else,all i care about is SQ and not features and connectivity etc.
Well i don't exactly understand what you mean,because english is not my native tounge,but if you are asking if i sold them because i was affraid that they were going to stop functioning,then the answer is no.
i had to pay back a loan that i took from my mom so i had to sell them..
Is there anyone who owned/owns K1000, that likes the HD-800 as much/more than the K1000?
i had a K1000 and LOVED the sound, sold them,and i am affraid to get another pair because, it's out of production and they might just stop working one day and i'll be screwed,so if the HD800 sounds anything close to K1000,then i'll get them and be done with it.
Hello elephas,
I had the K1000 and they were my favorite headphoes,i am considering a pair of HD800What amazed me the most about them is the seperation of instruments and overall clarity,do you think the the HD800 are on the same level of the K1000?