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Everything posted by soloz2

  1. wow you guys are something else! I put a new cable on my personal cans and post pictures that do not have any branding on them at all, nor are they on my website and I get comments like this, yet almost all the pictures in this thread are posted by Grand Enigma without a single comment. I don't care if you guys want to call things how you think you see them but at least be fair about things.
  2. I gave my Beyer DT70 Pro/80's a new cable today
  3. 003 posted on OCN about them all bragging and claiming they were going to be a k1000 killer. I said I'd believe it when I saw (heard) it. But anywho, I think it's hilarious that when he got them he posted on Head-Fi, but didn't even bother to update his thread on OCN bc he knew we'd rip him a new one when he said they weren't that great
  4. I'm looking into custom end pannels for my Millet Max and I believe that things remembered will be cheaper than frontpanel express. They'll let you drill everything before they engrave as well.
  5. You and me both! I'd be willing to give the donuts another try if you get decide to keep them and tweak them some more, I think the main problem for me was just that they were too hard to drive. They were too lean on the aikido, and better on the beta22, but still not there for me.
  6. when I'm 60 my hearing will be better than yours! I think you struck a nerve w/ dusty
  7. no, I agree... I wasn't thinking clearly when I posted.
  8. hmm... so I listened to the doughnuts for 30 seconds and then went back to my HD580's lol they weren't bad, just not for me They didn't taste that good either...
  9. hmm... for some reason I was thinking the Massive Attack had unbalanced inputs as well... but on second thought I don't think it does.... Damn! don't listen to me, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. (or is the correct word dang?) Philodox, Salamanca is a reservation... normally it's about double which brings me to a quote from one of my friends when he got his bill after we had been out drinking for a while. "Damn, alcohol is expensive! Now I remember why I drink alone at home!"
  10. If you're in the next room when Philodox is listening to his k340's you can hear his
  11. dang, I wish I coulda stayed longer, but I was home in time for a nice dinner with the wife. stuffed chicken, and homemade apple pie for dessert So I guess it was a toss... lol. Did you swap my cables with the signal cables to see if there was any difference there?
  12. I heard one yesterday fed from an X-Fi sound card and going to a Beta22. It sounded pretty good, but I didn't spend too much time with it because I figured the computer was limiting it. Philodox spent more time with it than I. He might have more comments about it.
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