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Everything posted by soloz2

  1. I would imagine the analog outputs wouldn't be as good as the BDP-83 either.
  2. I just read that review... some review. LOL. I'd be pissed had I actually dropped 3.5k on the Lexicon!
  3. haven't had any problems with mine. I'll be sending mine in as soon as I get an email to be upgraded to SE...
  4. the regular BDP-83 is a great DVD and SACD player, the stock unit has pretty decent sounding analog outputs as well. A bargain for the price IMHO. If I had the spare $$$ I'd be upgrading to SE or NuForce.
  5. WANT!!! (my wife just told me I already got my BDP83 (singular))
  6. I read the NuForce page to say that the SE and NuForce edition are not the same, but the NuForce upgrades the analog output stage of the stock SE version.
  7. looks like the SE version will be $900
  8. you will ship them to me... waves hand for jedi mind trick
  9. that's ridiculous. I wouldn't pay more for a used item. I understand supply and demand and all, but they aren't even all in the wild yet...
  10. rofl
  11. that works as well. up conversion is very nice indeed. I only have 1 HDMI cable to my TV, even though sources like my Wii are 480P and connected to my receiver via component video cables. If the price increase is only $100 you can easily make up most of that by not having to purchase as many cables!
  12. I know not exactly budget, but my Marantz SR7001 works very well with the Oppo BDP-83. The SR7001 can't decode the newer HD audio codecs, but the Oppo can, still using only HDMI. As a plus, the SR7001 can accept DSD from the Oppo via HDMI. I've seen them used for under $500, might be worth checking out. Even if you don't go that route, if you have any SACD it would be worth getting a receiver that can decode DSD since the Oppo is fully capable as a SACD transport
  13. I've played a few SACD on mine. A few played fine, but the last disc I tried, playback had pops. Can't remember the title of the disc (only the album art) and everything is boxed up for moving.
  14. Absolutely, I purchased them for two reasons. 1. I wanted a sub that was musical, fast and tight. 2. I wanted a small sub that could be hidden since I live in an apartment. I just 'happened' to get two instead of one... my wife to this day isn't that thrilled about it. rofl. They are great for music, and still have enough rumble for movies to be nice! Do yours have the old amp, or the new 500w one? mine have the new version and compared to the older version one of my friends has mine are a sizable upgrade.
  15. I picked up a pair of b-stock ULW10 from av123 with their new 500w amps. The pair hit hard and deep. Very musical. I couldn't be happier considering the price I paid... Lots of output at 20Hz and below, all in a similar small box to the outlaw with a 10" driver.
  16. I was just going to order some discs this morning, but saw the regular prices. I didn't try putting any in my cart. Not sure I want to try sine I'll have a new address come the 1st anyway...
  17. ROFL!!!!
  18. it's a custom transport... I can't recall who makes it though.
  19. I haven't had any lip-synch issues either. Running mine to a Marantz SR7001 via HDMI for movies and SACD and using the analog out for CD's. I'm quite impressed. Probably the best $500 CD player I've heard as well. I was previously using a 980H in my living room for CD/SACD/DVD and a Sharp BD player. for music the bdp-83 is more detailed with a much larger soundstage. Almost as good as my modded Music Hall CD25
  20. Any more impressions? I'm thoroughly enjoying mine.
  21. I've worn Grados around campus, comments always were positive. 'retro' came up a lot.
  22. that would be good! I'll have the new Oppo BD player, but no idea how good it will be, that and my modded CD25, or a USB Opus.
  23. mind if I swing by for a listen once you get them?
  24. Just made me doublecheck the SR225's I received 2 days ago... they shipped from Audio Adviser and are the old style.
  25. I believe Laurent has a Grado table. I haven't heard one though
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