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Everything posted by soloz2

  1. Been very happy with my BDP-83SE, didn't even give the 93 a second look. Check Oppo's ebay page. They sell refurbs for pretty good prices.
  2. yep, just enough to buffer what it's currently streaming...
  3. Do you have HDMI on your receiver? My TV is one of the earlier LCDs and it has VGA or DVI so I use a HDMI to DVI cable and have my receiver handle all audio and video switching.
  4. I'm looking forward to a new iTV, and how it might compare to a HTPC or the upcoming boxee box. I'll likely be selling my Xbox360 soon as I really only use it for Netflix instant streaming and an iTV with Netflix and Hulu+ for $99 might be the ticket I'm looking for, especially if it streams all my lossless music
  5. they've added quite a bit to the watch instantly area in the last couple months and they've been making deals to get more content in the next couple months.
  6. No, the only difference was to fix the .pdf vulnerability and break current jailbreaks. On older (1st gen iPhone and iTouch) it only breaks the jailbreak and doesn't even fix the .pdf issue. Your best bet is to run 4.0.1 with jailbreak and the .pdf fix.
  7. just keep 4.01 with jailbreak and the pdf warner.
  8. My 3G was sluggish but I think the 3GS with more RAM and a faster CPU should be fine.
  9. hmm... I want a free one! Been having problems lately too
  10. I just recently downloaded that app and tried it out... but was disappointed to see that I have to get the paid version to respond and/or view images.
  11. interesting stuff
  12. iPhone 4 uses micro sim cards, no swapping w/o cutting a regular sim down.
  13. Yeah, the issue wasn't iTunes or anything like that. When I went to AT&T this morning the guy updated my account, but he didn't update the information in their system about the new sim card. When I connected to iTunes it didn't need to activate as my iPhone 4 was already activated and was just waiting on AT&T's systems to supply signal.
  14. No, they were supposed to activate in the store, but after waiting over 2 hours I called corporate support and the asshat that sold me the phone this morning forgot to activate my new sim card. I tried calling the store to complain to the manager, but the line was busy. I'll try again in a few minutes. You don't have to have all iPhones on a family plan. I have an iPhone and my wife has a blackberry w/o data.
  15. Just got back from AT&T with my shiny new 32Gb iPhone 4. Now, if it would activate so I could use it.... been waiting over an hour and a half!
  16. IDK... iOS4 is fucked up on my 3G. My phone today was running sluggish as usual since the update and on my way home started giving me a low battery warning so I checked usage, Standby 10 hours 40 min, usage 7 hours 30 min... WTF, the phone was in my pocket most of the day while I was at work. I checked my email about5 times, browsed the internet for 15 on edge and talked on the phone for about 20min.
  17. who here plans to go to AT&T tomorrow morning to try and get an iPhone4?
  18. OS4 has been pretty craptastic for me on my 3G too. I like some of the features like folders and mail, but I had to reboot the other day because it couldn't handle listening to music and sending texts at the same time...
  19. As long as you just reserved the phone you should be able to to switch. You may have to activate it on her line first then switich.
  20. Mine got stuck because iTunes stopped responding after installing iOS4, but before syncing... I finally got iTunes to work again by connecting my nano then disconnecting and reconnecting my iPhone. The whole process took well over an hour. The worst part is that the two best features IMO are background wallpaper and multitasking... neither of which work on my 3G
  21. I hope it works out for you. I've gotten my iPhone replaced on several occasions under warranty, it's always been easy but time consuming as I have about an hour and 20minute drive to the Apple store then I always end up waiting at least 20 minutes even with a reservation. I go nuts when I forget my phone at home, not sure I'd make it several days in a row. I don't have any case at all, just a screen protector and a sleeve from SF bags. Keeps it looking nice and shiny. This is crazy, I've been downloading iOS4 for over an hour and iTunes still says 4 hours left... WTH!
  22. I'm still pissed I couldn't get my preorder in... then I said fuck it when I couldn't get one for the 24th. I'm considering taking Thursday off and camping out...
  23. soloz2

    Canjam 2010.

  24. Mine isn't quite burned in yet. I maybe have about 60 hours on it, but so far it sounds good. I'm not going to try to compare too much as I was without my BDP-83 for over 2 and a half weeks and I haven't really listened except for background music for the last week since getting it back, but I will say that I don't regret spending the $300 for the upgrade.
  25. I get my BDP-83 back tomorrow... Can't wait, sure hope the SE upgrade was worth the $300 and 2 and a half weeks without a source in my living room!
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