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  1. For someone that bitches about it all the time, you sure seem to like riding in the sucker. It's a ship btw. Granted it's not a longboat, so I understand your confusion.
  2. ^ Agreed on both counts with pretty much everything you said. Seems we hear a few things similarly. The 007 and 009 even from the BH, KGSSHV or T2 weren't enough to pull me away from the modded 800 w/ my rig. But the Omega is something special, probably the best midrange I've ever heard in a headphone. If it had a bit more bass punch and impact when called for, it would be pretty damned close to perfect along w/ a well driven HE90. A couple things: 1-I think it was covered but somewhat lost in the nuance of the discussion by some, but high output Z is not a requirement for proper synergy w/ the 800. I know my modded Super 7 puts out around 4 ohms and I've heard a few decent SS implementations w/ zero output-z and objectively beautiful measurements do quite well (the O2 not being one of them). It's definitely a case by case, circuit by circuit determination IME. I would not go dropping 43 ohms after every amp simply because of whatever the HDVD800 does. 2-On the mod, try to be as precise around the ring area as possible, a shift of less than 1mm in position or size can have a significant impact and make the ringing/peak even worse. As for the link to the rabid dawg mod, that's about 3 prototypes old now and anyone can feel free to give it a go. Material selection is key though, and you have to really pay attention to what you are using, they are not all the same. Hope to have a pre-fab kit available in a few months that will offer the end user a few subtle flavors to select for their preferred rig and tastes.
  3. Oh I agree with you there. Purrin likes a little more warmth than myself too. For clarification, that PWD was a mk1, not a mk2. Also purrin did use FW that he felt better synergized w/ the HD800. The mk2 you heard was at the LA meet in the high rollers room. The new mk1 w/ the new mk2 is an upgrade and much more clear w/ better separation and imaging while preserving dynamics of the mk1. Can't say anything about the current mk2 as they simply sound different than the older upgraded mk1>mk2s. We currently do NOT recommend people buy a new mk2 from PS Audio. They do not sound the same so beware to any potential buyers out there.
  4. Pft, Arnaud, you know why you were banned. You spent a year and half taking passive aggressive personal digs at purrin on just about every public forum. And he never responded in kind till you tried to do it on his own website that he pays for himself. Now maybe he doesn't understand the French penchant for Ridicule, but I can't say I blame him for loosing it. If it's the best thing, could you stop trying to login to our site then? You've done it more than 20 times since...
  5. Hey Andy, we like you too! However, I'm going to have to politely disagree w/ your assessment here. We both listen to a lot of 80s music but we also listen to a lot of just about everything. We both have rather eclectic musical tastes. I can say that my genre preference is just about everything except for Dubstep. You can see what tracks we've used for our reviews in the past here. My tracks are on the far right, purrin's are on the left. I'd say that's a pretty wide breadth beyond '80's music'. I believe many HD800 listeners tend to prefer strings, classical and more specific genres that do less to spotlight issues w/ the HD800, so our tests seem to me to be quite rigorous by most subjective standards. They simply have flaws, all phones have flaws of some sort, we can hear them and measure them and have done so. I have to say I'm surprised you say you prefer the HD800 as they are, if I recall they aren't even in your top 5 or maybe even 10 favorite headphones? I also agree w/ Tyll that we do NOT prefer over warmed syrupy sound. In fact, most of that type of gear is on our shit list. Now, we also wouldn't characterize a sound that has adequate dynamic representation below 500hz to be syrupy either. Nor would we characterize that same absence as 'accurate' but more as thin, dynamically flat, dull, and over analytical. If you recall at that meet, I did mention that something seemed off w/ how your rig was sounding after which you found your Amarra has the treble boosted by accident. Now maybe my syrupy ears were just too sensitive to the added brittleness, who can say. Based on your comments I'd have to say you seem to not like how the HE90 or 007 sounds w/ the Aristaeus. Is that syrup in your opinion? All I know is, a well recorded binaural violin or piano needs to sound like the same type of violin or piano I still remember playing as a youngster. If the best recordings out there all sound like you are sitting at the very back of a performance w/ all the detail and dynamics diffused out, or it seems like you are just listening to simple dull 2D recording, then something is amiss IMHO. Anyone is entitled to like whatever they like, but I know what an instrument I and others have played sounds like to me. I have no other standard.
  6. Sorry Tyll, no I haven't. I got caught up w/ Leviathan development which put finalization of production units on the back burner. Once I get the transformer orders set I can get back to it. I'll keep you posted!
  7. No. We've measured 6 different sets from varying serial numbers (early-late) and found minimal to no differences. Most typically .5-1.5dB along various regions from 1.5khz-6khz. In all cases, bass response was near identical. There was a rare set of 'early' pads that a user has reported using on his early model 800 that was both thinner and excessively worn out that he used to do all his A/B comparisons with. He since replaced them w/ new pads and says they sound like a different animal. No kidding. The bass light/bass heavy HD800 is myth by all accounts and evidence we've seen, both subjective and objective. The greatest explanation for HD800 variation is upstream gear, then lack of gain matching and then perhaps head/ear placement. One will also notice a trend toward more balanced HD800s recently because their upstream gear is often upgraded over time, this is a possible correlation as well. The one area we know Sennheiser has changed was how they are putting out user FR charts w/ reduced 6khz peaks for the sake of marketing. We've measure present and absent 6khz peaks based on Senn graphs to be essentially identical. It's the same reason Audeze started randomizing serial #'s. To manage consumer perception which limits negative fiscal impacts to them.
  8. That would defeat the purpose.
  9. I'm tempted to buy one so I can crap all over his rating.
  10. 4 Pros for now.
  11. Laphroiag is sweet now? Last time I had it it was a mouthful of ocean water and peat. Might have been some sort of distillers edition though. I like my Lagavulin Distillers edition and the regular 16. Sometimes a smidge of Bobby Burn's Dalwhinnie for a contrast in moods. I've been hearing positive things about the Japanese Malts but I'd feel like I'm cheating on my wife.
  12. Comfort is rather subjective especially wrt to anatomical differences. Some folks don't like straight barreled deep insertion. Some do. I have no problem with it. I have the UERM and ES5 and have no problem w/ using the DBA-02/B2 all day. The Sony EXs drive me crazy, others think they exemplify comfort. That's just too personal and relative to say. None of them are what I'd consider a torture device. If you like the X5/10 design you might want to check out the Vsonic GR01. Same small barrel, more neutral than X10 and a proper strain relief design. One thing the Klipschs do have are the patented oval gel tips which I use on my DBA/B2s. Don't know why other people can't figure out ovals are more ergonomic than barrels in your ear. Apparently the new Sennheiser IE800s will offer oval tips as well. Anywho, I don't want to link anything verboten but I will say a certain ljokerl has an extensive database of universal IEM impressions. What's great is he and I have slightly different priorities and tastes but his objective impressions are pretty spot on IMHO. I encourage anyone interested in some datapoints to peruse his universals thread. As for portables, he's got a thread as well but I haven't followed that in ages. I just don't get along w/ supraurals comfort wise.
  13. Well, I thought we were avoiding IEMs as an option but I'm going to have to break w/ the X5/X10 crowd. I've owned both and got rid of them. Perhaps back in the day when the Klipschs, ER-4 and TF10 ruled but over the past year or two the IEM world has made progress. The only one of those that can really hold it's own still is the ER4S if you like/ want that Ety diffuse field signature. I'd get the the DBA-02 mk1/mk2 depending or B2 which is a clone. They also uses diffuse field but require deep insertion for proper seal and acoustic impedance to balance out the low end. The layering, imaging, detail and clarity in more modern IEMs can really put the Klipschs in their place. Compared to the DBAs, Sony EX100, Ortofon Eq5/7, and higher end Westones and FADs, the Klipschs are a step behind to my ears. You could also get a custom JH5 for $350 around Black Friday. The HD25 I only mentioned in context of doing the Amperior foam mod. That should help quite a bit. I have a suspicion the HD25 could be made to sound better than an Amperior out of the box w/ some minor tweaks.
  14. Try to find the HD25II at $149 and do an 'Amperior mod'. M80 is not shabby. QC tends to suck w/ anything labelled 'Tesla' which includes ringing and poor driver matching. Some like the BW P5 for it's colored signature. Have you tried the modded Portapros?
  15. It's not perfect and could use some work still. Did you run them w/ or w/o the dust covers?
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