After scaring the shit out of me (as someone coming from headfi, many of the topics here are very "enlightning"....), you gotta tell me "the truth" about my amps ;-)
I have a RSA Hornet, and although i`ve never quite got all the fuzz about it over at headfi, i thought it was ok (i have to add, that i did buy it used for a very good price. The retail price always seemed crazy to me...), some of the comments here about RSA products in general caught my eye: "Safety hazard, errors in the layout, a.s.o".
So what?s the truth about the Hornet? What are his faults? Where does it stand performancewise for real?
My home amp is the Corda Aria. I always liked it a lot (much better than the Hornet), but couldn?t find much about it here. So what?s the verdict about it ?round here?
Since i bought both of them after research over on headfi (no chance to audition other gear before buying where i live sadly...), and after surfing here for while (and learning a lot about the "real headfi", i really like to hear the opinions of people here! )