it was me. of course i didnt own all of the stuff at the same time. i enjoy trying many different headphones and comparing them. the language i used in the title was a little hyperbolic, to grab attention. but i honestly believe most mainstream audiophiles have irrational beliefs. i think the ama was helpful in introducing people to the subject and answering questions. could i have done a better job? absolutely. i didnt explain some things clearly and i had to say "sorry, im not familiar with the $20 iem you asked about" too many times. but overall i think i did some good getting the topic out there and arguing for the objectivist side. amangeorge showed up as well, which was great to give the audience another perspective from somebody with more experience than me. he answered questions really well.
to answer your question about specific gear of mine, i sold the glite a while before i bought my lyr. knowing what i know now, i would have kept it. the dynalo is awesome and i may sell my lyr to buy another one. i was on an ortho kick for a while, the lyr was fotm, i was young and impressionable... and ive had the dt48e forever. i didnt sell my 800 and LCD2 for that. when i went overseas i sold all my expensive stuff and what i have now is leftover. i never meant to imply that my current gear was somehow better or my most preferred setup. just what im left with as i dont care as much about headphones now as i used to. i do like my dt48 though and ill never sell it!