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Everything posted by nmculbreth

  1. Does anyone here have any experience with 7n7 tubes? I'm mostly interested in finding out who manufactured these tubes and which brands to look for.
  2. I made these cables using Belden 89207 wire and Eichmann Gold Bullet Plugs. Not the best photos in the world but the cables actually sound pretty good.
  3. I agree.
  4. Bah. If you've got enough money you can have oral sex AND the rest of the list.
  5. I've had the chance to compare the SEDs to the uber expensive Mullard XF2 and large bottle Sylvania 6CA7s and the SEDs compared very favorably. The SEDs sounded very close to the Mullards, there is no way I could ever justify spending 10x as much for the XF2s.
  6. I know this is only semi-related but I don't think spending a ton of money on NOS tubes is necessary for the amp to sound good. I was fooling around with the gain tubes in my MPX3 recently and I was shocked on how good the ElectroHarmonix 6SN7 sounded. To my ears the EH sounded better than the highly regarded Ken-Rad VT-231 and was only bested by Sylvania VT-231. I wish they had a touch more warmth in the midrange but I was really impressed with the clean, natural sounding treble and a punchy bass. The EH 6SN7 ranks up with the SED EL34 as my favorite current production tube.
  7. I haven't seen Crash but I'm pretty suprised Brokeback Mountain didn't win. I personally didn't think Brokeback was all that great, I thought Good Night and Good Luck was a much better film it just didn't have the buzz.
  8. Interesting, you learn something new every day. If you don't mind me asking what prompted you to go this route? Also are the housings left intact after the driver removal and would it be possible to put the drivers back in if you were so inclined?
  9. Does anyone know Grado's policy on selling replacement/spare parts for their headphones? I've just read a couple threads about Headphile's custom headphones and was curious about how the HP and PS-1 drivers were obtained for these projects. I was always under the impression Grado did all their repairs in house and wasn't willing to send out replacement parts but if that was the case it would seem the only way to make a PS3000 would be to cannibalize a PS-1 which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Anyway I know this is kind of a random question but I'm a bit curious how this works.
  10. nmculbreth

    My HF1 Mods

    I love the look of those, very different than the rest of the HHF-1 pictures I've seen. I'm sure they'll look even better without the buttons.
  11. It suprises me that so many people bit on the troll bait. I guess that claiming Bose sounds good is an excellent way to get people in an uproar. On a semi-related note I got to listen to the Bose Triport at the poker room on Friday night and I didn't think they sounded anywhere near as bad as advertised. They're definately overpriced but I thought the sound was decent and the isolation was pretty good. I know it's cool to hate Bose but I think it is great that they're adding to the visibility of the headphone industry, hopefully other companies will see that there is a market and come up with their own products.
  12. Make sure you get the LTD.
  13. Is there any way to setup the forum profiles to show user's equipment? I like the ability to check out other user's gear inventory when reading their reviews and opinions, if it were possible it would be nice to incorporate that into the forum.
  14. I voted the keep the ability to lock your own threads but I really don't care one way or the other. I like the idea of being able to lock your own thread in the FS forum so you don't have people messaging sending you messages about gear you've already marked as sold but I can see how it could be an issue when the board expands it's membership.
  15. For what it's worth I've run a W10VTG out of an MPX with the slam configuration and I agree with Overluge's statement that the VTG doesn't suffer when paired with a warm amp. I probably wouldn't pair it with warm tubes but I thought when paired with a Sylvania VT-231 and two Tung-Sol JTL-5687s the VTG sounded very good.
  16. I think this is a good definition. In my mind if a judge is required to determine the winner it is a competition and not a sport.
  17. I'm bass averse so I'll go with the W2002/R10.
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