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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. Sounds like Seuss:

    I put it there for you to read;

    I put it there, though there's no need;

    I put it there with a smile on my face;

    I put it there to put you in your place;

    I put it there -- that's my sig's role;

    That's why I put it there, you assfacehole.

    Wow. Just wow.

    That is possibly the best post I've read on h-c. :o

  2. A word clock whether built in or as a unit probably didn't catch on because by the time they figured jitter could be degrading home audio, jitter reduction devices made by audiophiles companies already popped up which require no extra work by the transport or dac companies or whatever. They let the user decide if they need/want a jitter box. Having wordclock standard in dvd players and cd players etc

    This sounds like it was written by Sony's marketing department. ::) It didn't "catch on" because it was an easy expense to cut. It's pretty clear that major electronics manufacturers, operating under pressure from the MAFIAA, view consumers with condescension and scorn. This is why players can't ouput DVD-A and SACD content digitally, and why the HDMI spec is such a complete abortion. Speaking of, how hard would it have been to add word clock to HDMI? >:(

    Lots of high end sources have word clock input. You know that pro audio gear can get pretty pricey too right? ::)

    Yes. Very. :P The upper end of professional audio recording (Neve, etc) makes home audio look like a relative bargain. I have occasionally encountered high end home audio equipment with word clock (the first I ever saw was that flagship transport/DAC Sony made in '91 or so) but it is very much the exception and not the rule.

  3. I've been at every Florida meet that Ray's attended since you joined, and since we're an obnoxiously close-knit group, I pretty much know everyone and make it a point to meet those I don't. I don't remember you. If it was the first meet after you joined, that would have been the December 2006 meet when Ray brought out the B52 for the first time. What batteries was he talking about? You are in no pictures, including group shots of everyone there. Here are your only posts from the impressions thread. For a vocally impressionable guy, I'm surprised:

    That was in reference to a photo with a broken link, and this one:

    I'm going to call you a liar.


  4. i hope you didn't get the wrong impression, after reading my post "1st let me clear a few things up" i can see where you might get the impression i have thin skin. I'm sorry if i gave that impression.

    that's why i put the :) :) :) at the start of the post. It was a failed attempt to show humor and self deprecation.

    again sorry if it gives the wrong impression.


    Others may have already explained this, but "Sorry about your thin skin" is the head-case version head-fi's "Sorry about your walllet" greeting. In short, head-fi.org is a cult of people who encourage each other to spend ludicrous sums of money on headphone gear. Head-case.org is a cult of people who sometimes engage in merciless flaming and encouraging you to spend your money wisely. In spite of the occasional outbreak of cretinous behavior, the lack of censorship around here leads to a more free flow of ideas and much less bullshit. In my relatively short time on head-case, I have observed a lot of smart people with wealth of experience on which to draw. There are a few idiots and asshats, but they make themselves known pretty quickly.

    Based on what you said in your first post, it sounds like euphonics are very important to you, especially vs. detail. This is a recipe for tubes if I ever heard it. First suggestion: the Headroom Millett Hybrid. It has the advantage of being a HeadRoom product (meaning it is well designed, constructed, and supported) and a pleasingly warm sound. While you're contacting HeadRoom, ask them about a pair of Sennheiser HD-650s. You won't be sorry you did. ;)

  5. Transports: HTPC's + RME FF800's | DACs: dCS Elgar Plus / dCS Scarlatti | Clocks: dCS Verona / dCS Scarlatti

    Headphones: HE/HEV90, UE-10, Bose Triport

    Face cream: L'Oreal for Men - because I'm worth it | Zit cream: Oxy

    Suit: Armani / Zegna / Hugo Boss / Paul Smith | Jacket: fly53 / Armani / Decenio / fenchurch

    Pants: Jaeger / Boss / fenchurch etc | Underpants: Calvin Klein | Bags: Knomo / Swaine Adeney / Halliburton

    Supermarket: Waitrose | Beer: Guinness | Mouthwash: Listerine

    Wow. Just wow.


  6. odd that someone who is partial to Nautilus' level gear has such a requirement for toslink or worse usb over a good coax connection :-\...perhaps a raptor would suit him

    Toslink is indeed rubbish, but digital audio over USB is often superior to coaxial. USB and FireWire eliminate most of the jitter issues that Toslink, SP/DIF, and AES/EBU have (without a additional wordclock connection, that is.)

  7. I regularly wipe my PMs so this isn't a big deal for me. What I'm really, really looking forward to is having the marketplace back. I am a junkie for marketplace browsing. Not even buying, just the browsing I love.

    On most boards I delete PMs after I receive them. If it's important, I save it locally.

    Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. :tinfoilhat: ;D

  8. When they have this sound, power, looks, and can be run almost everyday, by two owners, over eight years........high end.

    Other possible criteria:

    • You have to phone at least two friends if you wish to move them.
    • They they let you pursue the fun hobby of coin fusing.
    • Your space heater has been a dust collector since you got them.
    • The lights dim when you turn them on ...four houses down.
    • You need a snake hook the wrangle the power cord.
    • The binding posts are bigger than your garden hose spigot.
    • Additionally, if they double as boat anchors ...for the Queen Mary 2.

  9. What drives me nuts about DLPs is the RGB strobing when you turn your head. I find this to be particularly bad with front projection, but it's certainly noticeable with rear projection as well.

    Caveat: I have not gone TV shopping in about 6 months, it maybe that there are newer models where this is less of an issue.

  10. This evening I am going to a celebration put on by the sous chef at the best restaurant in Northampton, who's also a Latin house DJ and one of my best friends. After that I'm doing lights for a Klute show down the street.

    I am going to give thanks by ceasing to be a cynical asshole for the rest of the day. This probably means I should log off Head-Case now. ;D

  11. For soundstage: Global Communication - Epsilon Phase (last track on Pentamerous Metamorphosis EP)

    Biosphere - Caboose, En-Trance (the last two tracks on Patashnik)

    For bass response: Bandulu - Come Forward (on the Macro Dub Infection compilation)

    General tracks:

    Bisophere - Endurium, the whole Substrata album

    The Knife - Off to On, Heartbeats

    Peter Murphy - Cuts You Up

    Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues

  12. From memory of things posted on head-fi, the Headamp Blue Hawaii SE will run the H2 with a Stax-XLR converter cable according to Dr Gilmore. He also mentioned that the Singlepower ES-1 would drive the H2, but it would need modifications to do so. I cannot recall comments on the standard KGBH or KGSS. In any event, the KGBHSE and ES-1 are hardly easy or cheap options. I think that Dr Gilmore might also have drawn up a separate design for an H2 amp.

    Justin said the following in this thread:

    Only the Blue Hawaii SE can drive the TakeT H2. The KGSS would work with some mods including paralleling the output devices, but this would be a different PCB, different chassis, different power supply...I can't see an amp exclusively for TakeT H2 as a possibility, because it would cost 3x as much as the phones - already same price as KGBH SE - and I'd need at least 15 who want one

    That makes the likelihood of a HeadAmp-made "KGTT" not so great, at least in the foreseeable future. It may, however, extend the popularity of the KGBH SE, at least for those with deep enough pockets to swing one. I wonder if the KGST will be able to drive the H2.

    As I said in this thread when I first got my H2/TR2 and attempted to power them with my 10-year old Yamaha reciever, they sounded horrific. Getting my Hafler P125 fixed, and most recently getting proper cabling has brought out a lot of the H2's potential. Personally, I've grown to deal with the fit. They stay on my head, and the drivers stay pointed where I want. I occasionally have to pull the rubber coating on one of the wire loops back in place, but that's a minor issue. I still find some issues in the H2's midrange, and I do suspect the TR2 as the primary culprit. My source is very organic and textural, and the H2s convey these qualities with ease. The Hafler P125 is not a huge amp (60WPC), but it's absolutely loafing in its current role and consequently the H2s never sound like they're wanting for power.

    I would like to hear the TakeTs driven by a serious tube amp. I have an open invitation to bring them in to the local hi fi snob store (Spearit Sound/NoHo) and plug them in their various C-J space heaters and Krell arc-welders. That should prove interesting. >:D

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