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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. Neil Young and Crazy Horse -- Weld


    Ooh. Do you have the extra "Arc Weld" bonus disk? I haven't heard that in ...over 15 years, but I remember being amused by it back then. It's not quite Metal Machine Music, but it's pretty brutal as I recall.

    I've been an Eiffel 65 fan for years! Got all of their stuff, I'm so glad 2/3 of them kept going as Bloom 06, got that stuff too. I'd take a picture of my collected discography as should-be-humiliated-but-am-actually-not proof but its all back home except for:


    Ayep, it's a brave man who would appear in a photo with those. I'm talking about those dryer vents you have on your ears, of course. ;D What happened to the K1K picture we were promised?

    On Topic: I'm currently in a nightclub, doing lights. I heart clubs that have working wi-fi. Right now I'm in the house room, and it's awful. I'm wearing 32dB earplugs and it's still painful. I might retreat to the drum n bass room in a few.

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