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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. 3234921493_909cc27f63_b.jpg

    That was lat night around 9PM, still snowing. I spent much of today negotiating with Roadway. Their driver didn't think he could get his tractor and 48 foot trailer down my street. I am unsure why Grainger sent me a four pound package via Roadway. :palm: Fortunately, the Roadway guy was able to give the package to the UPS driver (also delivering from Grainger). It's kind of scary when freight companies, you know, actually work together.

  2. From Boxxy's ED page:

    I like Boxxy, and here's why. I'm not postpubescent (over 25), I have a girlfriend, and I don't fantasize about her. I like her because she is the antidote, the antithesis, the hemlock in the cup to Internet Tough Guyism.

    I was surprised to see that, for all its posturing, /b/ really does hold one thing sacred: it's 'bad muthafucka' image of itself. /b/ really believes that it's frightening, that it's tougher than a Ford Chevy, that it's badass masculinity personified, in a sense. And, before, there were very few ways to disrupt this image, to give it a good hard kick in the shins.

    And then Boxxy came along. Boxxy love is everything /b/ hates - passive, gentle, adorable, sweet. It gives without asking, it loves without asking in return. Instead of being aggressively faux-adult, it's happily faux-childlike. That's why Boxxy became a meme - because she DIDN'T want the attention; because she provided no pics (as the /b/tards will attest). As a result, Boxxy turned into the most successful way to troll the /b/tards ever devised. It actually makes the gore and violence and sexism and racism fantards squeal, because it hits them where it hurts - in their image of themselves. How can they be tough, scary guys when their favorite hangout is one long love poem to Boxxy love? So that's why I love Boxxy - the sound of /b/'s humiliation is sweet music to my ears.

    *chuckle* I must say I'm generally in favor that upsets /b/tards/

  3. ^ Is that the Statue of Liberty in the mushroom cloud?

    I don't think so.


    ^^This is the original background image. It's from a famous series of pictures of a 1970 nuclear test conducted by the French. My best friend in college had this one as a poster on his dorm room wall:


    My conclusion is that if you're seeing the Statue of Liberty in there, it must be an acid flashback: tripping_smiley.gif;D



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