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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. Christian Bale going OFF on a hapless DP on the set of Terminator 3.

    Transcript from SmurfyX, who must have a lot of time on his hands.

    Bale = Christian Bale, Enraged Thespian

    Hurlbut = Shane Hurlbut, Director of Photography

    McG = McG, Director

    Bale: "-kick your fucking ass-"

    Hurlbut: "-Christian Christian-"

    Bale: "I want you off the fucking set, you prick!"

    Hurlbut: "Christian, I'm sorry."

    Bale: "No, don't just be sorry! Think for one fucking second. That the fuck are you doing? Are you professional or not?"

    Hurlbut: "Yes I am."

    Bale: "Do I fucking walk around and rip down-"

    Bruce: "-Christian, Christian-"

    Bale: "-No, shut the fuck up Bruce! Do I want -NO NO- Don't shut me up-"

    Bruce: "-I'm not shutting you up-"

    Bales: "-Am I gonna walk around and rip your fucking lights down, in the middle of a scene? Then why the fuck are you walking right through uhdaduhdaduh like this in the background? What the fuck is it with you? What don't you fucking understand-"

    Someone: "<unintelligible, probably a name> take everybody out."

    Bale: "You've got any fucking idea about -- hey it's fucking distracting having somebody walking up behind Bryce in the middle of the fucking scene. Give me a fucking answer! What don't you get about it?"

    Hurlbut: "I was, looking at the light."

    Bale: "Oh good for you! And how was it? I hope it was fucking good because it's useless now isn't it? Fuck's sake man, you're amateur. McG, you got fucking something to say to this prick?"

    McG: "I didn't see it happen."

    Bale: "Well somebody should be fucking watching him and keeping an eye on him."

    McG: "Fair enough."

    Bale: "It's the second time that he doesn't give a fuck about what is going on in front of the camera-"

    McG: "-alright-"

    Bale: "-alright? I'm trying to fucking do a scene here and I'm going: Why the fuck is Shane walking in there? What is he doing there? Do you understand my mind is not in the scene if you're doing that."

    Hurlbut: "I absolutely apologize, I'm sorry I did not mean anything by it-"

    Bale: "Stay off the fucking set man, for fuck's sake. Alright let's go again."

    Someone: "Let's take a minute."

    Bale: "Let's not take a fucking minute, let's go again! And let's not have you fucking walking in! Can I have Tom put this on please?"

    Someone: "Yeah Tom wardrobe please, Tom wardrobe."

    Bale: "You're unbelievable man, you're un-fucking-believable. Number of times you're strolling afucking round in the background. I never had a DP behave like this. Uhh, you don't fucking understand what it's like working with actors, that's what that is-"

    Hurlbut: "-no that's not-"

    Bale: "-THAT'S what that is man, I'm telling you. I'm not asking I'm telling you. You wouldn'ta done that otherwise."

    Hurlbut: "-No, what it is is looking at the light and making sure uh, that you were-"

    Bale: "-I'm gonna fucking kick your fucking ass if you don't shut up for a second-"

    Someone: "-Christian Christian just cool it-"

    Bale: "I'm gonna go, you want me to fucking go trash your lights? Do you want me to fucking trash them? Then why are you trashing my scene?"

    Hurlbut: "-I'm not trying to trash them-"

    Bale: "You are trashing my scene! You do it one more fucking time and I ain't walking on this set if you're still hired. I'm fucking serious. You're a nice guy, you're a nice guy. But that don't fucking cut it when you're bullshittin and fucking around like this on set."

    McG: "Alright lets lets try again."

    Bale: "Yeah you might get it, he doesn't fucking get it-"

    McG: "I got it, I know I get it, I get it.

    Bale: "You might, he. Does. Not. Get it."

    McG: "I know, and good adjustments, okay? For real, honestly, I get it. Let's walk for five seconds."

    Bale: "No I don't need any fucking walking. He needs to stop walking, I ain't the one walking. Let's get Tom to put this back on and let's go again. Seriously man you and me we're fucking done professionally. Fucking ass."

  2. Measured two windows for curtains. I feel so ...domestic.

    Sorted health insurance paperwork, but did not deal with any of it.

    Re-wired my headphone rig. Three new sets of cables, all going from the preamp. One pair of XLRs for the Quads, one pair of XLRs for the HRBD, one pair of RCA to 1/4"s for the Hafler. I spent the better part of an hour fighting that sodding Hafler. I still need to snake out the Kimber speaker cables from the back and dig out my TR2.

  3. Man, Comcast had a little oopsie during the Super Bowl.

    KVOA-TV is investigating pornographic material viewed during the Super Bowl by some Tucson area Comcast viewers. Just after the last touchdown by the Cardinals, approximately 10 seconds of pornographic material was shown. It appears this material was only viewed by some Comcast customers.

    The video is here (warning, contains penis) for the time being. Yes, someone already regg'd comcastsuperbowlporn.com :palm:

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