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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. 2v84rnq.jpg

    The last distributer of VHS just closed up shop. Ryan Kugler, the CEO of Distribution Video Audio, said that any leftover tapes would be simply be given away. "It's dead, this is it. I was the last one buying VHS and the last one selling it, and I'm done."

    The first commercial release came in 1976 as well, and it was Ki-duk Kim's 1972 Korean movie THE YOUNG TEACHER. It retailed for over $100.00, which, fixed for inflation, would be like spending $362.00 on a movie today. The last major film to come out on VHS was A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE (2006).

  2. In 1988, Taito released a side scrolling arcade game that used three contiguous 9" CRTs (and a mirror) to make a "widescreen" format. I pumped an awful lot of quarters into it when I was a in Jr. High. I always loved the music from the first level. Turns out the song is named "Daddy" Mulk." This is a clip of Zuntata (Taito's in-house band) playing it live in 1990:

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