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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. I felt well enough to move around today, so I rewarded(?) myself by vacuuming my room. WAT. The upstairs of my house has funky 1970s deep pile shag carpeting, which can hold an unspeakable amount of dust. I've been breathing all that shit in while I've been sick. I dug out the Miele and the "spazzola eletrica" and removed what I hope is 9 of the 10 layers of grime. I actually don't mind vacuuming, it somewhat of a zen-like chop wood, carry water task. Moving all the crap around in my room so I can complete the is another matter. :palm:

  2. Go with the WD Black 1TB. Its better anyway.

    You're mad! The LaCie is FW400, USB2.0 and eSATA. The WD is USB2.0 only (unless you're referring to a model that I am unaware of.) Furthermore already have one LaCie 1TB Poulton drive, and a second would stack on top of it and look similarly shiny and black and sexy.

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