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High Rollers
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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. That world map is awesome.

    I knew you'd appreciate it. I love the repeated gag about Portugal. Supposedly it's from a Spitting Image annual from the mid 80s.

    [answering phone] "Cakey Cake Bakery, Jill speaking! How can I help you?"

    "Hi, I need to order a cake for my boss. We have a photo of him playing golf that we'd like to put on it, though - can you do that?"

    "Of course! Just bring the photo in on a USB drive and we'll print it out here."

    "Great, I'll bring it by this afternoon."


    "Hey, Jill, what am I putting on this cake?"

    "Oh, check the counter; I left the jump drive out for you there."

    [calling from the back room] "Really? This is what they want on the cake?"

    "Yeah, the customer just brought it in."

    "Okey dokey!"


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