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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. 11vpmxd.jpg

    In 1963 Bill Clinton was elected as one of two delegates to represent Arkansas at the American Legion Boys Nation. While in Washington, D.C., the 17-year-old Clinton met President John F. Kennedy, whom he admired greatly. Nearly 30 years later Clinton followed in Kennedy

  2. 2qbujyo.jpg

    Star Wars: Almost right, Jedi should be a bit lower.

    Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom should be lower, Last Crusade should be higher.

    Matrix: All of them should be lower.

    Star Trek: 1,3 lower; 2 higher!

    Superman: Don't care.

    Jurassic Park: Ditto.

    X-Men: See above.

    Spiderman: One should be a lot higher, Three wasn't that bad.

    LotR: All three should be shorter (get it?)

    Mad Max: No opinion.

    Jaws: One should be lower, never saw 2 or 3.

    BttF: One should be lower, it wasn't that good.

    Die Hard: ALL should be lower, srsly WTF.

    Blade: Never saw any of them.

    PotA: Memory is unclear.

    Godfather: All should be a tick lower.

    Rocky: Meh. Don't care.

    Terminator: WTF? One should be much higher, two should be lower. Didn't see 3.

    Rambo: All should be a bit lower, but stay proportional.

    Batman: That's the old series? One should be higher.

    Alien: Two should be higher. :)

  3. 149clmg.jpg


    "Arrr, be zum aaand growth prablams ar zummat, be all armones ar be damn thing. Where be it Blackbird to? Oi know where ee be, Ee be up yon Wurzel tree an oi be after he! Now Oi sees ee, And ee sees oi, bugger'd if I don't get 'en! Wit a girt big stick I'll knock 'im down, Blackbird, I'll 'ave thee!"

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