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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. Pics of all the new models are on the grado labs website minus the PS1000. The RS1i looks like the buttonless version RS1s, nothing really different that i can tell.

    Yes, hat full of ass, I see the picture too.


    What you must understand is that a carefully arranged studio shot like that tells next to nothing about the build quality of the new RS1is. People in the know (not me) on this site and elsewhere have expressed some concern about the construction of the new Grado line, particularly the RS1(i)s.

  2. 120 SPEED PILLS, meaning I will be free of ADD symptoms for another month. tease.gif...and if you believe that, I have a cryo-treated bridge I want to sell you.

    5 watt bulb shaped CFL. It's supposed to be equivalent to a 25W incandescent, but I find it throws almost as much light as a 40W.

    I stuck my nose in the liquor store and saw Ardbeg 10, but no Uigeadail, so I resisted.

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