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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. Long miserable day that involved not nearly enough sleep and way too much snow. I'm now inside with a cup of tea, and wish greatly to NAP NAO. I am going to fight that ugre, and instead dig out my best tripod, ultrawide, circular polarizer and go do my best (worst) Ansel Adams impersonation.

    ...I also have to go buy a new windshield wiper, as I broke one this morning scraping off my car. :palm:

  2. THE DISHES. Stop snickering, in a house with two bachelors, this is no mean feat. Particularly when one of said bachelors (not me) has a penchant for cooking disgusting meat dishes.

    Next task is to stumble out into the darkness and get two baskets of firewood before the snow arrives. Then I'm going to wire up one of 1200s to my McIntosh C-22 and give its tube phono section a listen. More on that later.

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