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Posts posted by Knuckledragger

  1. Can you describe these two (I have been there quite a few times) I want to see if I am correct on who was who.

    The cool one hs a lazy eye and a goatee. He remembered my name, which is impressive as I don't think I've seen him in two years. The bad one was young, thin and had closely cropped brown hair. He had a narrow chin and pointy ears. He looked a bit like an evil elf, you know the kind that needs to have a Krell monoblock land on him Wile E. Cyote style.

  2. 3334333682_42a4b60c61_b.jpg

    Aww, aren't they cute? I had no intention of buying anything of the sort today. I had to go to NoHo to get my taxes done, and afterward I visited Spearit Sound. The had a ton of gear in their used room, most of which was little or no interest to me. They did have two different Pioneer Elite CDPs with the "stable platter" transports, and the two Luminous Axiom balanced passive attenuators.

    As is usually the case, there was one cool salesman and one frothing asshat. The latter asked a number of questions about my system when I mentioned I had recently purchased a AR LS9. He asked me if the outputs were truly balanced when using an SE input. I said I didn't know, but suspected AR used a transformer. He also asked if I usually mixed "pro audio" gear (that's an epithet) with high end home equipment. Apparently Quad 12L Actives are "pro" because they're magnetically shielded and self-powered. At that moment I wished I could remember the name of DOTU's massive self-powered speakers, but sadly I had no idea. After 5 minutes more talking to this cretin, I would have preferred to crush his head with said speakers, vs. convincing him of their merits.

    Fortunately, the other salesdroid returned at that moment and told me that the Luminous attenuators had come in with a bunch of new gear, were not in the computer but could be mine for $50 each in a special Friday afternoon "My Coworker is a Douchenozzel" sale. I bought them on the spot, and let the other guy live.


    I took this shot with a $4 flash unit. Click on the image to go to it's photo page on flickr for further photo nerdity.

  3. No, you're missing the point. Wall Street fucked things up royally, costing the entire world the next decade or so of productivity. Congress has been cheerfully throwing good money after bad. It is not a binary situation. Much like a guy with an Obama avatar buying a gun.

    I'm beginning to think that a_b needs a Rorschach icon. ;D

  4. Saw The Watchmen tonight. It's quite good, if you like the comic. Problem: 3-hour movies that start at midnight run really late. If you don't want to sit still for that long, the move is basically like this:

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