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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. Nope...and it has been delayed for about a year now.
  2. That shit is just too funny!! I'll send in an offer for 200€...
  3. The KSA1156 should work and then there is the 2SA1627 which is in current production in China. They are either a TO126 and Dpak which is just annoying...
  4. Volume has nothing to do with the output stage bias so no.
  5. Ohhh goody... more of the same crap here. Same awful railsplitter, same shitty volume control and where are the heatsinks? Pathetic crap as usual...
  6. Just read that thread and what a clusterfuck!!! So Zanden uses the cheapest PCB's possible in a 17k$ product and instead of making a new one they just bodge the issues? Shit... At least there is a RK50 in there...
  7. They might be playing the long game or just collectors who have no idea what a fucking basketcase the original T2 is. I am amazed that people are willing to drop this amount of money on an auction, for gear that nobody will service.
  8. Crazy collectors be crazy...
  9. One has to wonder if he used assets from the now defunct company on this stuff.... I love that the Spark has a 36V/1.5A supply... why??????
  10. Ahh yes, yet more people taking our work and passing it off as their own. That is not a clone, it certainly uses our boards. This right here is why none of the new amps will be released to the public. I'm all for DIY but clones of my stuff, with my pictures on Taobao? Nope, not having any of that shit...
  11. Normally you can't go higher in voltage but extra current does no harm with a regulated power supply.
  12. "In Soviet Russia headphones listen to you!"
  13. With any of our amps (have to put the caveat "when built properly" as I've seen people jumper the safety stuff) and the Stax ones the damage potential would be minimal. With the bias, sure it is 580V but it's based on a very current limited voltage doubler circuit plus the 4M7 high voltage ballast resistor on the output will prevent any damage. The amp section could deliver some real hurt though, +/-400V or upwards power supplies with the amplifiers being able to swing almost from rail to rail meaning you could see ~1500Vpp or more at one output. This plus generous class A biasing means there is a lot of power at play here, hence the 5.1K output resistors. If there would be a short to ground (i.e. you) they would take off the worst of it. Now look at Woo Audio, Cavalli plus other amps and these protection provisions are just not there.
  14. I hope they are actually good but all the Voce feedback has been pretty abysmal...
  15. Seems I made Thinker, aka "person in charge of damaging the reputation and decreasing sales of Perrun" a bit testy. Ahh joy of joy's... Also funny how people keep going on about me offering up the HE90 frame with Lambda drivers for 6k$. Anybody want to guess how much two HE90 cups, the headband, cable, box and those insane little plastic gimbal pieces cost? Yup...more than 6k$... Ohhh and I got the last of these so no way asking Senn for any more... I did try to get a HE-1 without the amps and cable but they kindly refused.
  16. forum.doctorhead.ru and a few others.
  17. Given that any discussion about these has been banned on the Russian forums and king fucktard Thinker is preaching the gospel fervently...I'll take a hard pass.
  18. That is the usual Cavalli BS. No way that the distortion+N is that low. I could test it but I kinda broke the tube when inserting it into the amp. I did order some new ones...
  19. 2SA1831 or 2SA1967?
  20. Class A or death!!!!
  21. White PCB's are an utter pain. I switched over for a while and...quickly went back to green. High gain and no NFB is a really, really bad idea, you need to stabilize the circuit. Whether this has enough gain, I'm not sure.
  22. I hope they aren't sourcing resistors from the Shengzen market for a 50K$ setup. Well knowing Hifiman that would probably be the case... Seriously, how much would the upgrade cost be to teflon tube sockets?
  23. In reality this is never needed if the resistors are the right type for the job. PRP crappy engineering non-withstanding...
  24. You terrible tempter you!!! That just can't be with their stellar report of excellent build quality!!!
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