Given that any discussion about these has been banned on the Russian forums and king fucktard Thinker is preaching the gospel fervently...I'll take a hard pass.
That is the usual Cavalli BS. No way that the distortion+N is that low. I could test it but I kinda broke the tube when inserting it into the amp. I did order some new ones...
White PCB's are an utter pain. I switched over for a while and...quickly went back to green.
High gain and no NFB is a really, really bad idea, you need to stabilize the circuit. Whether this has enough gain, I'm not sure.
I hope they aren't sourcing resistors from the Shengzen market for a 50K$ setup. Well knowing Hifiman that would probably be the case... Seriously, how much would the upgrade cost be to teflon tube sockets?
It's finally ready...only after two years...
Nothing wrong with a magical potato...
Do check out the updated schematic Kevin posted above and see if this makes any sense to people. This amp is such a pile of shit that it isn't even funny but how much do you want to bet the Liquid Crimson at nearly 3K$ was exactly the same? Fully single ended with a single 6922...
What's up with those V-caps? The circuit is fully DC coupled so special insanity? I do like the cloned chassis though...
As it turns out I have my fans as well...
Even fake circuit boards as I never released the mini boards. Those are completely wrong but since when has that stopped anybody...
I haven't spent any time comparing them but this R2R seems to be a very different animal. It also goes through the main amp all the time as the gain switch is active even in fixed output mode.