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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. 15 is small scale... I'd really like to try to build a Sigma on the 4070 chassis with that arc assembly. Whether is would require ports at the back of the driver or just ports in the baffle is tough to say but it could be done. I'm happy though with the Omega soundstage and the varying degrees I get from the SR-007 Mk1, Omega/007 hybrid and the SR-Omega. They are very nice indeed and a good improvement over both the normal and Pro bias Sigmas. The next one I'll build will use SR-303 parts so that I can see if it makes any difference as the cable is a much better match to the Sigma color scheme. The SR-007 Mk1 is simply in a class of their own so I'm very much weary of the recent declarations in the HE Audio thread on HF.
  2. I do love the Sigma's and will build a few 404's in the future but they don't get much use. Collecting gets tiresome after a while and espcially when the funds can be put to better use making the system better as a whole instead of spreading it out. It was fun though... There is that small bit and all the DIY amps that I'm slowly working on. The DIY BH will be on the expensive side if I go ahead and build it with all 8 HV power supplies... and that's not counting bias supplies.
  3. That's basically it. I did change the PSU caps as well with some stuff I had on hand but that was purely for safety reasons since the amp was used 24/7. I should update my profile though since that amp is gone now and my last T1 is up for sale... My wast electrostatic collection is in a sorry state with only 3 Omegas left, a SR-003 and enough parts to make up a few Lambdas. Then there are only two amps, 717 and 007t. :'(
  4. No good ones but I have the schematic... It's clear that the newest Coriolan2 (or WTF it is called) is the same with parallel connected triodes on the output.
  5. That would be easier then the involve Jesus in all of this. An Egmont is nothing but two triodes capacitor coupled together with no NFB or ground reference, crappy PSU and a bias supply that will kill your phones. I could do that...
  6. Thanks guys!!! It's actually not that much bigger then a 717/007t, well each box that is. The amp is (W)262*(H)162*(D)438mm and the PSU a bit smaller. The T1 has it as well but it's labeled PRE HEAT on that one. The T2 must use a version of the same delay circuit.
  7. Good point but I was talking more about Rudistor as a whole where they claim the 50
  8. Indeed... I had a mild panic attack when I saw it and my wallet tried to self destruct... For those that don't know this was the TOTL Stax system back in 1994 and could be considered the answer to the Orpheus. They don't excist on the same dimension though with Stax rewriting the rulebook with both items. When old Stax went under in 1995 they had sold about 300 SRM-T2's and about 500 SR-Omegas when it took Sennheiser 15 years to sell all 300 of the Orpheus. The Blue Hawaii is based on that amp with the power it can output though it doesn't use tubes in the first stage as Stax did.
  9. Classic Rudistor, cheap parts, badly made and designs that are way past their sell by date. Top it off with a cheap chassis and a high pricetag so that everybody thinks that they aren't crap. Well everybody that thinks Markl and Sovkiller aren't idiots any way. Somebody needs to tell that fucktard that 90
  10. Done
  11. If you need to edit something like links in old posts then contact the mods but otherwise we must own up to our crap...
  12. Woot I'm clean in some way! We have pretty much every conceivable alternative fuel project going on here and those hydrogen buses are something else. It looks like methanol will be the next project in cooperation with Mitsubishi. It's kind of ironic that we are gearing up for some major oil research... The SR-007 Mk2 is a bit easier to drive then the Mk1 so the SRM-1 Mk2 should work fine as a stop gap.
  13. Holy crap!!!! Detailed internal pics or I'll send the Stax Mafia after you... not that I have any power over a Stax Mafia if there even was such a thing...
  14. I'm guessing they weren't cheap... They will all need to be refurbished due to the design so that makes them even more expensive.
  15. Pfffttt.... This isn't the first heads up PM I've sent about this place... We always need more experienced members here.
  16. That's how I would describe the v1. It's like a mini SR-007 with the B22 driving it... Some luck and a dead dog could suffice but be prepared to pay a lot for a set. When my set popped up on ebay there wasn't much interest and I got them for around 140$. The were near NOS with the original box so I'm more then happy. They do need a new cable though since the stock unit is crap. I'll drop him a PM and ask why he isn't joining us...
  17. I've never fired them up but the drivers were tested before I installed them. You are welcome to them and spare set of drivers if you want.
  18. There is at least one company that refurbishes the Nine's (and has some original drivers for them) but they are in the US and shipping is murder. I wouldn't hesitate to jump on either a Stax F-83X or ESL-8XBB though. Btw. For those that want proof that Sony did once make very cool gear, look up SS-R10...
  19. The SRM-1 Mk2 is quite good at driving the the 007 but the 717 works even better...
  20. The T-50 is something else... Have you heard a v1 yet?
  21. How did you like the KHL Nine's, Kevin? There is a set that I have my eye on but the shipping will be a fortune.
  22. Considering the crap they are selling today it's a small wonder that they stopped making the ET1000. What you are hearing is a slightly altered version of the original ET1k due to the higher bias of the Stax normal bias socket. Are they still fitted with the stock earpads (flat as hell) or has anyone of the new owners fitted them with something better?
  23. I have some extra if you need them. I even have a set (Sony ECR400 chassis) with drivers epoxied into place but I don't have any spare cables...
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