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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. They shouldn't be run for long periods with out a load but it is ok to run them once and a while like that.
  2. Hogwash!!!!
  3. I've never encountered the dreaded squeal but it could be due to the close proximity of the wires in the cable entry. You can try adding some heatshrink to them to see if it makes any difference.
  4. Nahh I'm still going with crazy... Needs moar silver!! Why not ask Mikhail about it...? I'm sure he could use the cash...
  5. Good move as I really don't have fond memories of my old BH arriving with the BG's pushed into the chassis... \ What color did you choose my crazy elephant friend?
  6. If both amps use the same rail voltages and the PSU can cope with the load I see no reason why you can't use a single PSU to power both amp sections, one at a time. The loop out is just another set of sockets wired in parallel.
  7. Billable Hours
  8. Just got one as well.
  9. Superglue FTW!!!!
  10. Have a great day, honorable keeper of the Wiki.
  11. It's rather "hver er pabbi?"
  12. Could be Italian as well but "pabbi" means dad or daddy in Icelandic.
  13. It's not that bad really, a little charring on the finger and I'm still a bit numb but that's about it. What I'm angry about is not realizing that the B+ would also be on the delay relay terminals...
  14. Woke up, went to work, got home early to work on some of my amps. While setting up a PSU I accidentally zapped my thumb with 350+v. There is a burn mark and everything and I still haven't tested the PSU. Here's hoping I won't be zapped again...
  15. Happy b-day Nate!!
  16. Just a bit rusty. At least you don't sport an Icelandic name like Al...
  17. It looks like they are going by the same model that is applied here and it will not make a dent in the consumption, no matter how you tax the stuff. We just celebrated the 20th anniversary of beer drinking (it had been banned since the 1920's and allowed again on March 1 1989) and the annual consumption has more then doubled in those 20 years even with a single beer from a store costing some 2$ when the ISK is weak and much more when it isn't.
  18. Here is a link to the units I can get. It's in Icelandic but I think you'll manage...
  19. It will be a project like the B22 and others where a BOM and PCB's are available but no real kit to speak of. That could change in the future though.
  20. I can pick up the 1018 and 1020 models here locally if they are of any use to you. Can't seem to find 1010...
  21. That's really not as easy as it sounds since the transformers can give you a lot of cheap voltage swing at a low cost. We are still debating the PSU voltage so how much power the amp will have is up in the air. That said there are other cheap amp options and if the end result of my Egmont sounds ok then I'll post an updated schematic and BOM.
  22. Don't quote the pictures...twice!!
  23. Sourcing most of the parts shouldn't be too hard and there are also some replacements in current production. It is a scary amp to work on though.
  24. Happy Birthday and do drink too much.
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