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High Rollers
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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. Woot indeed!! I just spent an hour redoing the CCS on my BH boards today so hopefully all will go well when I fire them up. I really miss having a BH around...
  2. Getting a picture of the cake would be problematic since it was all eaten up at a family dinner yesterday. It was nothing special though, 3 layers of Rice Crispies marenge covered with Valrhona caramel and with creme layers in between. I put some Maltesers and chocolate chips into the creme as well. Very tasty but easy to make. The goat was much appreciated.
  3. Thanks guys and the ES-1 glow is indeed brightening up my day.
  4. Moar projects!!!!! They do have the upside of providing something else to work on if things do go south...
  5. That sucks but B22's have the annoying habit of going up in flames. Might I suggest something low power but highly capable like the Dynalow? Not easy by any means but a solid amp none the less.
  6. "Available in small quantities"....perhaps a group buy is in order?
  7. Happy birthday!!
  8. 1/8w from the looks of them which can't be bought anywhere.
  9. The P1 is SE only. The RCA inputs go directly to the volume control but the XLR's are fed through some active circuitry. Take a look at the block diaphragm in the manual.
  10. Brilliant. Be afraid... be very afraid!!!
  11. Does having three phones which all have roughly the same active components (i.e. cable and drivers) count as just having one? Well then I have only one SR-007.
  12. Good news, Mouser treated me to some free Fedex International Priority so I should have the parts soon.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Focal's do nothing for me so as I looked away quickly in horror there was the Sr-007 staring at me. Also I did recognize the system from a Swedish hi-fi forum I read from time to time and knew he had a SR-007.
  15. Nahhh...
  16. Isn't that symbol part of the whole ROHS crap?
  17. Did any of you see the new Hi-Fi News yet? There is a nice picture of an owner enjoying his SR-007...
  18. I used it on the old Xbox for years and it is beyond brilliant. Shame that the HD bug bit and I had to retire it...
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Most of us have been on HF for a long time so there is good reason for our attitude. To us you are just like all those noobs on HF which look at the price of a component and think that has any bearing on its performance. To quote Oscar Wilde, "A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing". A version of this should be the HF motto...
  21. They are almost too horrific for those noobs on HF...
  22. I can send Al a Thorshammer if it helps. It's supposed to shoot lightning sparks so that could just power the amp for him.
  23. Thin plastic film.
  24. The filament transformer would be easy enough to replace with a larger Hammond. ...just a tiny bit
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